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What is it that you want?

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But see, you also seem to enjoy aspects of shows you watch, unlike some others who still watch shows they hate everything about. thats what i dont understand.

I just... i dont know, if i hated everything about a soap, id quit. Ive done it before, ill do it again im sure. I have too much to do in life than waste an hour a day watching something i hate just to bitch on the internet about it, lol. I like your posts tho Sylph, you point out the bad AND the good.

Really? Wow. Thats....


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What? It's true. He doesn't discuss any stories or anything specific that is happening on the shows. Therefore, I don't believe he's watching. And I believe his criticisms are fake because, again, he never goes into detail.

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I am not sorry if I sound bias. I just want to know Sylph's true feelings and reasoning.

For example, "What is it that you want?"

Well, how about he tells us what he wants. He supposedly watches Y&R, right? What does he want for that show? Of the storylines that are happening, what are things that he doesn't like or like? What would he change? I'm just want to see his POV. If everyone else can specifically talk about a soap, why can't Sylph? I believe my theory is right. I would love to be proven wrong. Sylph, please prove me wrong, dude. What soap(s) are you watching? If it's a soap I don't watch, I will watch that soap for a week and then I'll discuss it with you in the discussion threads. Come on, man, I really want to do this. It's just as the old saying goes, "You have to see it to believe it." Make me a believer that you do watch soaps and can talk about it. LOL I'm not asking for the moon here, I'm just asking for something that every other member here does - Discuss The Soaps. (okay that was a bit cheesy).

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What I want? Soaps with a foot (or just a finger or toe) in the 21st century. That includes:

  • Women who do something other than hootch, cry and get kidnapped. Women who don't get pregnant because they know how not to. Women who actually have jobs and can throw the occasionally punch (even that weak ass one Tea threw at OLTL's Go Red Ball) Soaps are sadly lacking in chick kickassery.
  • The occasional acknowledgment of the outside world. I was really excited by AMC's stories about the Iraq War then they dropped them. I liked the Rinks story but then it became...well we know what it became.
  • Diversity. All kinds and unselfconscious. Two weeks ago, the POTW on House was white and his girlfriend was black. It was no big deal and had nothing to do with the story. It was just the reality of the character's life.

But to the larger question, as a former ABC viewer I finally have come to terms with the fact that as long as Frons is running the network, I'll just have to write off the shows I once loved. I hear about these little flashes of something that gives me hope, then Frons gives me the finger. He did it with Rinks and he just did it again with RJ's non-return. Of course both of those stories were the actors fault, right?

And since were back to demanding viewership credentials from posters, I admit to not taping AMC since Bianca left. However I have watched selected youtube clips of both AMC and OLTL, often to my deep regret.

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I want who ever has final say at ATWT (CBS,P&G,Televest,Barbara Bloom etc. etc,) to get off their butts and do something about their show.

* More Character interaction.

* More Cross-story action.

* More then one or two stories shown per day. My mind can handle three or more,LOL!

* Use the vets more before they die or give up and retire.

* Use the HISTORY of the show and not REINVENT it.

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