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Another World

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The part that struck me the most was how she almost took over fulltime on B&B as Brooke. I had no idea she ever more than anything than a temp replacement. Id love it if it had happened, because KKL has lost the only thing shes ever had going for her, IMHO, her sex appeal. But i also doubt Sandra would still be there, idk.

Also the story about when her and RKK went to Toronto and a fan stuck his hand up her dress - the eff?! fans have always been insane, i guess.

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Wow, watching a scene from Feb 27, 1992 between marley, Amanda, & Olivia (i think thats her name). Olivia is prego, claiming it sams and its not, and going to get an abortion. Amanda & Marley went to stop her and Amanda told her how she almost got an abortion herself. Marley told her about wanting a baby but not being able to have one and then Olviia offered Marley her baby. Jensen is actuially very good as Marley in this scene. I was confused for awhile as to if i hated her viki or her marley, and after watching a bacth of episodes i remember, i HATE her Viki and like her Marley.

Anyways, its a very intense, emotional scene. I miss scenes like this on soaps. I miss characters this layered. If current daytime wants to know whats wrong, take note.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Its also very triking what a difference there is between young characters like Dean/Matt/Jenna/Lorna and todays younger soap characters. The only young set who seems half as interesting, complex, and layered as those ones are Maxie/Lulu on General Hospital, and thats only when the show commits to both characters and the actress actually deliver, and thats damn rare.

I believe, where im at, that jenna is about to make a porn video and she seems oddly unaware of whats going on. lorna/matt are together but he still has feelings for jenna. jenna/dean are together and annoying as can be. i hate dean. actually, its RPG...

I LOVE that Sharlene is gone! Iris is with.. i cant think of his name, the dad of Ryan & Grant. Spencer! She and Spencer are actually very good together and Carmen Duncan is simply fantastic. It seems like they have Rachel in story limbo right now, but damn Wyndham is one hell of an actress. Donna & John are about to start shacking up, and i find it bizzare and dont buy it at all.

Jake/Paulina/Grant/Viki is a lot of fun to watch. Viki & Paulina just got into a catfight in a pond at a Valentines day ball! lol.

Also, I have a very hard time feeling anything for this Jamie. He has been playing Jamie for some time now, and hes an ok actor, but his jamie just comes off sleezy and i cant get behind him.

I <3 this opening.

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People complained about AW's opening with its rainbow colors and 80s song but I used to singalong to it and loved it. LOL.

ITA about Dean he used to bother me so much. His mullet was irritating, his keyboard music was the shits and he was just so annoying, always having to win every scene with his "tuff guy" overacting. Come to think about it, RPG still makes me cringe on AMC.

Donna is my favorite. I just love Anna Stuart. And Victoria Wyndham's English voice... she and Cal had sparkage.

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I loved the opening. I know it was dated but who cares, daytime was not supposed to be about how hip and cool everything was. JFP updated the opening and it looked like a knockoff of ER and NYPD Blue, and that's nice, but then how many cast members left and they could not afford to replace most of them, so by the end, the opening was basically Linda Dano, Victoria Wyndham, and Stephen Schnetzer wandering around or grinning. I had years of that Linda Dano shot which looked like that INXS video which had aimless wandering in some European town.

I thought the teens on AW at that time were interesting, aside from Josie, who was boring and entitled. Matt was a believable young man growing up and trying to find his way. Jenna was a bit fake but Alla Korot managed to leaven the saccharine with some backbone (then again I've always liked Alla Korot). I didn't like Dean's smart-ass attitude but RPG was good at conveying the sensitivity behind Dean's bravado, and he had great chemistry with Alla. I think that type of role suited RPG more than Jake, which is a horrible role he plays with the same old tricks which aren't so cute when a man who is pushing middle age is doing them.

The opening lasts until late 95.

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I loved the way Another World was written out in cursive handwriting at the end. And the way Constance Ford embraced Sandra F and Vicky W. All that sparkly hand holding and the way the voices diverge with "you are the one who lets me fly SO high."

JFP's AW opening was just so... generic. I usually defend JFP as an EP but she has a mighty big flaw and that is her shame in Daytime. She is referncing Primetime because that is where she'd really love to be EPing.

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Neither opening was great. I still cannot believe they kept that paintbox opening until 1996! Even by 1989, that thing was seriously dated.

Hell, that opening was on its last legs when OLTL debuted it's 90's tour of Llandview opening! Compared to soap openings like that and GL's Hold On Too Love opening, was it any wonder why many thought that paintbox opening was seriously tacky and more than outstayed its welcome?

JFP's mistake was creating a new opening that was too cold and too primetime for a soap. It was nice to look at it, but wasn't representative of the show.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Random thoughts from episodes im currently watching (March 1992)

This kelsey harrison girl need to get out. shes annoying already. and shes being paired with Jamie it seems, at least i can skip by them together.

im so confused, so grant was viki who is with ryan. viki seems to really love ryan but shes always fighting with paulina, over grant it seems. then there is jamie who hates paulina and i have no idea why, unless its because she was with jake? im not sure. i think i missed a batch of episodes along the way.

Jensen & Anna have good chem as mother/daughter. I almost feel bad for Marley because i know this whole baby thing isnt gonna turn out well, but i cant. hes being stupid. She knows Sam & Amanda want to be involved...

Jenna is so annoying she almost makes me miss Josie, almost. Lucas is also annoying with whole "im not ejnnas dad, blahblahblah, cass might be. im so jealous" speach. Dean is also still annoying, but i do understand him and where he is coming from. Matt & Lorna <3, but did they drop Lorna/Carl?

Sam is so freggin annoying. He is all woe is me, i cant pait, blah blah blah. lashing out at Amanda because of Olivia. Umm, its your own fault. The fact that Olivia is lying to him doesnt even make me feel bad for him. I am also torn on this sam. He is a decent actor, but ive yet to accept him and care for him as am.

Paul Michael Valley as Ryan is fantastic. Honestly, the only soap heros i have loved as much as him are Original Roman on Days and Paul Williams on Y&R. (and more recently, rafe on days - but i far from love him as much).

Awe man, just relaizied i skipped a lot. I went from halloween to new years to valentiens day. i realize this now, because i remember i always try to stop at an event and start again but i got my events mixed up. damn.

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Very true all around.

I do think that that ER style opening was representative of what JFP was trying to do. Didnt she do the makeover of the hospital and make it sleep, modern, and have a lot of flow? I thinks he was out to streamline AW into a primetime soap format, from what i have seen of her run. I could be way off and trying to analyze something i have not seen enough of, but from what ive seen thats what i remember/how i feel. (As ive stated, ir eally only KNOW of AW from 88-92, where i am now, and the last year but thats fuzzy as i was like 10)

I do like the paintbox opening a lot, but even when it came on it was a little dated and by where i am now, 92, its very dated. even the colors. i cant belive this runs until 96!

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Jamie may have been angry with Paulina because of her part in conning the family about her true background (she and Ken Jordan claimed that she was Mac's daughter even though at the time she didn't know she actually was Mac's daughter; only after the con was exposed did she learn the truth).

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