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Fantasy casting: Sharon Gabet as Pamela Davis, rather than as Brittany Peterson (or whoever she was).  Pam comes to Bay City, a difficult woman who considers herself a failure -- resentful of her wealthy older sister who never offered help.  To make matters worse, Rachel doesn't even recognize Pam at their first meeting.  Relationship off to a great start!!

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Yep, Gerald and Iris just rotting away in prison. 

Meanwhile, Carl Hutchins regularly escaped justice

Somewhere, there's a lost story of Rachel using her wealth to influence the Bay City judicial appointments in order to suit her demands (te he).

Edited by j swift
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Speaking of Pam made my mind wander to Ada's step-children. 

I don't know if others agree with this interpretation, but it is interesting that Rachel was so possessive of the men in her life, but equally willing to share Ada.  For example, I don't recall any jealousy by Rachel of Ada's relationship with Clarice or Nancy.  But, she'd rip the eyes out of any women who looked twice at Mac, Steve, or Mitch.  I would've assumed that having lived so long as just the two of them, Rachel would have been resentful of others who preoccupied Ada's attention.

I guess she had a more mature relationship with her mother than Iris did with her father. 

Also, in going back to read older posts on this thread about the affectation that VW acquired over time playing Rachel, it struck me that Ada would've never tolerated that tone.  I recall Loretta assumed that role for a time, but Rachel needed someone to bring her back to earth sporadically.

Edited by j swift
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IDK anything about her career but in theory I could absolutely have seen her & her father being back on the Bay City scene with just a casting/writing tweak. As it was, later I was not very pleased at not having Nancy around. It would have been nice for Ada to have more people to interact with. I missed Sam & Lahoma, too. 

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 That's why I bought Rachel's relationship with Carl because 1993 was a year of incredible change/loss for Rachel.  She lost Ada, almost lost Cory Publishing, and then was basically pushed out by Amanda.. so she went to NYC to recharge and had Loretta as a surrogate mom.  Loretta didn't have the history with Rachel that Ada did so even if Loretta had reminded her that Carl was bad news.. Rachel wouldn't have listened.

Also, the only reason I could think of that Rachel was cool with Ada's close relationships with Nancy/Clarice, plus was accepting of her mom's marriages was because Rachel wasn't abandoned by Ada.  She was abandoned by her father so her outlook was different.  In a weird way, Rachel and Iris were more alike then either would admit... both had daddy issues, both had abandonment issues, and both didn't always parent their children effectively.


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I bought Carl & Rachel, what I refer to as "The Redemption of Carl & the Romance of Rachel" because the writers crafted such a careful, slow story that hit every single beat & took their time. By the time they were walking the Poet's Residences in Chelsea I was on the edge of my seat, wondering if they were really going to make this work. 


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@Soaplovers Ironically, I was going to quibble with your characterization of questionable parenting choices for Iris and Rachel.  Then I made a list including: teen pregnancy, being overbearing regarding their children's romances, being absent during illness, or absences due to prison, and I've come to agree with you.

Dennis, Matthew, Amanda, and Jamey adored their mothers.  But, Iris and Rachel were not great role models when it came to caregiving.  However, unlike Donna, at least they never slept with their children's romantic partners.  So, there's that...

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