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August 1972 Daytime TV casting news.

Nancy Marchand's (Irene Kimbalt) role ended the beginning of April. Muriel Williams (Helen Moore) left in March. Beverlee McKinsey began on April 27 as Emma Ordway, sister-in-law of Steve Frame (George Reinholt).

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Given that we were talking about Mary Matthews, I thought this article on viewer complaints from the October 1976 Daytime TV was interesting. They mention what I hadn't even thought of - quite a few viewers were convinced Virginia Dwyer had died on air.




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A clip from a 1985 Australian airing of AW. Mostly that whole dust story, and Daphne - I'd never seen a lot of AW from this time so hadn't seen her before. I think I like that brief clip of Felicia best - Dano draws you in even in that snippet.

The thug threatening Jake and Marley - he's done a lot of other work. Wasn't he the abusive mayor on OLTL a few years ago (among many other shows)?

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Chip Albers, or someone using his name for an account, uploaded some clips where Albers played young Michael. Who played young Donna? She reminds me of Eliza from Survivor. Her Donna does get better as the clips go along.

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Jamie and Dennis were the best of friends during the 70's. I may add, sorry, not very attractive teens and in 1979, they went to a dude ranch and came back played by grown up hot actors. Pretty much after that, I dont think their friendship as adults was so great. 25th anniversary made a point for the characters to meet up and share a talk but Larry Lau was playing Jamie at this point. Jim Poyner, the grouwn up Dennis Carrington was graceful enough to return to his role.

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In reality, there was no actress who captured what he wanted. I think he had it out fo Courtney but I must say, she was not so great but she was adored by her fans. The same writer and producer who fired her, hired Welseley Ann Pfenning in 1979 as the thrid actress to play the role and sorry that was a big mistake. she was gone not even 6 months later

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