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ATWT: May Discussion

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PJ , I have to agree with you. There's nothing wrong with JL's portrayal of Craig...except that it isn't Craig. Scott defined Craig years ago as a man doing battle with his conscience. Lindstrom, Block and Meek are just your average snide, roguish bad guy.

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You put it perfectly. I spend most of my time railing about the story Craig's in---but that's exactly who Craig should be, a man struggling with his conscience. Instead, he's nothing but a blowhard power-monger. GAWD how I hate how TIIC have redefined him as a "witty lech".

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The Snyder cousins need to be put in a sack and then beat with a sock full of oranges. Why Lucinda is being put in the same league as that idiot Holdumb beats me.

I hope Damian hasn't been brought back just TO ONCE AGAIN PROVE HE'S EVIL..

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Ehhh....kind of boring.

Part of the weakness of the overall Lucy/Dusty/Craig story is I'm not invested in the outcome. I can't work up any outrage at Dusty, Johnny is a legacy character, but I could care less about his custody, and Lucy's relationship to Craig hasn't truly been built up enough between these two recasts for me to care about it.

But it was nice to see some unusual characters interacting. LUCINDA finally saw her granddaughter! Damian actually had a conversation with Jack! It's kind of sad that those measly interactions stand out because the mere thought of characters talking to someone outside their story bubbles seems foreign.

LOL at the previews for next week....

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It was a pretty good show today, with the Lucy/Dusty/Craig story intersecting with the Damian/Holden/Lucinda story. And Lucy remembering she had a grandmother? Carly in a scene with Dusty? Jack in a scene with Damian? Who let everyone out of their bubbles today?

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I could care less who gets custody of Johnny. Dusty and Craig should be kept far away from that kid.

I was shocked to see Lucinda with Lucy. Nice touch by Peter Brash to mention they hadn't seen each other. But the storyline is so weak it's pointless to have the Lucinda/Lucy & Damian/Jack scenes. I don't care who is carrying what to where. This is another storyline that just comes out of Jean's [!@#$%^&*]. So boring to watch. And who really gives two s h i t s whether anyone involved goes to jail.

Why can't Jean write her characters with a shade of gray? She either writes almost everyone as black...evil or white ...goodie ..goodie. Damian being all goodie goodie is boring. He always had a shade of gray to him. That's what made him intersting. The whole I thought Damian had changed bit from Luke was just blah. Hasn't he already changed? Luke didn't give a f u c k about his dealings. He wanted Damian to accept him as being gay. Damian has done that. So what's with all this Damian hasn't changed s h i t from Pissant.......UGH!

Overall a lot of interesting/different interactions....GOOD ONES but the storylines are so WEAK!

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Ugh...you wouldn't believe the amount of praise I've seen heaped on today's show. I mean, it wasn't as horrid as a Paul/Meg, Bratiebabystory day, but yikes....the new "pacing" has killed this show. I couldn't get behind two stories with supposedly "huge" betrayals because the "betrayal" didn't have sufficient time to develop.

And I still think Lindstrom sucks in this role. (He reminds me of GL's Daniel Pilon as Alan Spaulding.) I didn't get one ounce of connection between him and his tv daughter. Ugh.....*bangs head on wall*...what Scott Bryce could have done with this role.

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I don't get why Bryce was fired for Lindstrom. Lindstroms' Craig is the same Craigs' Bryce was playing. I thought they were going to make Craig edger again not that Bryce couldn't do because he can. The problem is Craig is too nicey nicey and Bryce could have played that with a lot more charm than Lindstrom. Lindstrom's Craig comes off boring with no heart. I am having the same feeling when I see Damian and Paolo. The writing of these two characters paired with Lindstrom's portrayal makes them boring to watch. Even Richard Culliton wrote Damian with more oomph than Jean does. He was much more interesting under Culliton's pen.

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I'm hoping that now this gun smuggling arc is done, Pissy will unleash her "true" version of Craig. This FatherKnowsBest version can die a horrible painful death as far as I'm concerned. Give me a Craig I can openly loathe any day of the week, if I can't have Scotty Bryce.

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Don't fool yourself. The only reason Bryce was fired was because he voiced his thoughts and opinions to He-Who-Shall-Never-Be-Questioned. Yes, Lindstrom plays the same Craig - he just never questions He-Who-Shall-Never-Be-Questioned, and that's the only way anybody in front of or behind the camera keeps their job at ATWT.

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