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AMC: Jamie Lunar Interview

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Liza was pretty conniving and she was lusting after Tad big time.... so yeah Luner's Liza thus far has been very close to 1995-1996 Liza..... the Liza I really liked. Liza also filed a sexual harassment suit against Tad around that time too... remember OLTL did a cross over as Nora was Liza's lawyer.

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MMT tried to make Liza a bitch again before she left, scheming and plotting with Adam and JR to get rid of Babe and custody of Bess , all so that she could run Krystal out of town and have Tad for herself. She just came across pathetic more than anything

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Marcy didn't seem into the role really during that final couple of years anyway. She couldn't sell the bitchiness anymore..... and her wardrobe was very.... plain lol, apparently at Marcy's request.

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Not to sound snarky or anything, but is Jamie Luner that "big" of a "star" to generate all this publicity? Perhaps she is. I remember her on Melrose Place, but she was one of the more forgettable actors . . . What has she done since? I guess I'm not understanding the hype surrounding her. Now if Heather Locklear or Courtney Thorne-Smith came to AMC, I'd get it.

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Liza wanted Tad, but she also wanted to break up his happy home life because of what he'd done to her by sleeping with her mother. She was never only about the sex. For her first scenes in town to be about sex, and sex with some sleazeball she doesn't know, sex on some dirty craps table or wherever in the middle of a casino, is where I can't see her as Liza.

I have no problem with JL, she's just playing the part. Unfortunately, I'm starting to feel the way I did when Susan Batten replaced Allyson Rice Taylor and the show had her dusting blinds and running around with a cornpone accent. It's all about a writer giving someone they like a job so they can rewrite a character for kicks.

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