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GH to go hi-def?

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The ABC soaps look cheap enough as it is.... hi-def will only make it more clearer... Its surprising though.... Y&R has been hi-def for what... 8 or 9 years now? Its taken that long for another soap to follow suit.

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Yeah, Y&R made the transition in like 2001 or something. But then again, Y&R was always ahead of it's time with it's look and production in daytime television. Those sweeping camera transitions from one scene to the next. The ariel shot's they've done. Those elegant and richly decorated sets. It's no surprise Y&R was the first to do so. Is B&B in hi-def? They practice a lot of Y&R's production look. But I am in total agreement, ABCD looks like crap, very cheap. Very playhousesque.

I think Time Magazine or another said in the 1970s that GH's sets were "not unlike a high school production." :lol:

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At least GL has the excuse of a less experienced EP and HAVING to shoot the way they do in order to survive. And their writing is a hell of a lot better than what GH is churning out.

The fact that GH is landsliding in the ratings isn't down to production values, but it's not helping matters, and thinking that going hi-def is going to help matters is like sprinkling glitter on dog [!@#$%^&*].

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No, B&B is not in hi-def or widescreen.

However, I am wondering whether all their international venues -- including South America, the Middle Mast, as well as Europe, will make it harder for them to break out of that 4:3 aspect ratio/lo def?

How are international distributors handling the current high def primetime shows from the US...e.g., Lost or Heroes?

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Yes, you are right. For example, there are scuff marks on Katherine Chancellor's set on Y&R. Once we moved to HD, I saw them. I never noticed them before.

So I agree. It will initially expose things more. But I'm guessing with the new hospital hub set, they may spend extra time on this new "for-HD" set, while they spruce up other things?

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I saw those, too! :lol:

I so do not understand this. Like you, like a magpie — I like shiny stuff. And I am glad to see another daytime drama implementing HD. However... That would also require investment in sets, costumes, make-up... Where on Earth is GH going to find the money? What are they thinking?

I don't get this. :blink:

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It is ludicrous that a show with that low level of production values would do this without a significant update of paint to all of the sets as well as much darker lighting.

The actors are going to pay the price- especially these poor GH actresses who already seem to wear no makeup under the shows harsh lighting.

Y&R was tailor made for HD because of its flawless sets and Hollywood lighting..

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