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Y&R: Week of March 30, 2009

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I'd actually find the idea of the Fisher-Baldwins in LA to be very intriguing. Michael and Gloria and Lauren to B&B could be a lot of fun.

So easily arranged too.

Stephanie brings Forrester to its knees. Eric calls out to Lauren for help. She agrees to go to LA and consult...more on his marketing plan than anything else. Of course, Michael and Fen come along. (Perhaps Michael even has a secondary agenda...he wants to see how Cricket is doing in LA...where, in my mind, she still is, living with Nina and periodically checking in on Paul's Ricky from a distance). Gloria hears "fashion in LA", and she practically stows away. She is able to finagle permission to stay in LA when she agrees to "babysit" for Fen. Before too long, Gloria is making a play for Eric...and she's a VERY worthy adversary for Donna.

Gloria could be the camp-goddess of the show, doing all kinds of design-stealing and so forth.

There would be no room in LA, IMO, for Kevin or Jana. the only way I could imagine that working is if Jana died of her brain tumor (the one I am imagining is brewing in her head even now). Kevin and Amber hook up. When Amber hears "LA" and "Forrester", she realizes she yearns to go back there...both to try to reconnect with Stephanie (whom she loved but disillusioned) -- after all, Amber had some of the same kind of relationship with Steph that she now has with Kay -- and maybe try to find and reconnect with Little Eric/Deacon too.

I still don't see how Kevin would fit in, but I guess he could be the snarky computer guy for Spencer publishing or something.

Those Fisher-Baldwins, in LA, could make that place a LOT more fun.

Alright, I'm sold!

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Kristine DeBell was Pam.IMDB lists her as the 2nd actress to play the role,which is quite possible

Anthony Baker was played by Josh Albee.

Paul Savior was Walter.He had been on GH as Tom Baldwin and Love of Life as Rick Latimer.

Alex Rebar was Vince.

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Exactly. Early Nikki was a troubled, reckless girl. Promiscuous, venereal disease...all offshoots of father abandonment. (Moreover, it later turned out that Nikki's father had molested her older sister Casey...and eventually returned to Genoa City to do the same to Nikki. Nikki ended up killing him as he tried to rape her). There is a GREAT deal of similarity in the Sharon-Nikki backstories...which is why I find it so sad that Nikki and Sharon are not in one another's orbits right now.

Nikki had a fondness for friend Paul, but she fell hard for Jill's brother Greg. I seem to recall that at the time of that marriage, Jill had stolen her mother Liz's boyfriend (Stuart Brooks) away from her...by seducing Stuart and feigning a pregnancy. I seem to recall Jill was all snooty, and found Nikki unworthy of her brother Greg.

Although Nikki got 'security' in her marriage to Greg, she seemed instantly bored by her life as a housewife. I don't think she ever considered going to school.

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Oh my goodness. Does that mean I really remembered some of those names right?? What a great era that was. That was a transitional era, actually. Because right after that, the Fosters and Brooks started to ease out. For example, by the time Nikki got ensnared by Rose, I'm pretty sure Chris and Snapper had already left town.

Does IMDB say if Kristine DeBell played both Pam _and_ Sharon (the runaway Chris Brooks tried to save)?

OMG, she has a wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristine_DeBell

I'll have to go to my Cassata/Irwin book tomorrow to see if I can find out more about the runaway Chris Brooks saved.

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Porno? Oh, you mean Porno-Dorothy. Yup--screwing the scarecrow would be a work of art.

I thought you meant Hot Hips? That's the one that Douglas Austin's hooker girlfriend, Boobsie, provided the "body double" for -- superimposed on Nikki's strip-dancing scenes surreptitiously tapyed at the Bayou. (The actress who played Boobsie later went on to play Matt Ashford's mom on Days for a time, I think...before she died).

Such fun. The porno was owned and distributed by mobster Tony DiSalvo, whom Paul was out to get. Nikki eventually agreed to marry Tony in exchange for the porno master tape.

I also remember that there was a later scene in Paul and Andy Williams' detective agency. Somehow, Tony arranged steel plates to drop over the windows, and for the walls to shrink inwards, effectively crushing Paul and Andy. I kid you not. On a Bell soap! It was riveting, and I forget how they got "saved"?

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Bell-Phillip Television

7800 Beverly Blvd.

Rm. 3771

Los Angeles, CA 90036

Executive Producer: Bradley Bell


Sony Pictures TV/Bell Dramatic Serial Co.

7800 Beverly Blvd.

Suite 3305

Los Angeles, CA 90036

Executive Producers: Maria Arena Bell and Paul Rauch

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