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Y&R: Jill To Be Temporarily Recast

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What Nelson reported is truly devastating. If they can't work out this contract dispute they'll just keep the recast and that is unforgivable, IMO. Jess Walton is Y&R royalty, the most underrated and underappreciated vet the past 10 years. She's been giving flawless performances, enhancing her costars, yet never gets an Emmy pre-nom. To me, you can't recast Victor or Jack or Nikki and certainly not Jill. Jess has too much history in the role at this point.

CBS has been recast happy of late and even Y&R seems to be picking up that trend. I really don't want Jess to be impacted by this. Please lets hope the network realizes how important she is to the canvas and this can be worked out. Only thing, since they want to sign the temp to a CONTRACT, that makes me worry.

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QUOTE (Chris B @ Mar 30 2009, 10:48 AM)
Jess Walton is Y&R royalty, the most underrated and underappreciated vet the past 10 years. She's been giving flawless performances, enhancing her costars, yet never gets an Emmy pre-nom.


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BTW, I don't think you'll see anyone remotely as famous as any of the women suggested take on a role on a soap opera, even the highest rated one. The closest and most realistic suggestion I have heard is probably Mary Kay Adams. Vicky Wyndham is incredibly difficult, all but forgotten, and also, scary.

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I don't actually think she is going anywhere. I think they will reach an agreement. IMHO this will end up being only slightly more of a story than the Erika Slezak non-story which has been utter bullshit from start to finish.

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I really applaud her approach and if this is true, I hope Y&R realizes that Jess is Jill and that's it! They better keep her. No offense, but she and JC are Y&R! I like MTS, but MTS and EB are not above JW or her character in anyway. They are a huge part of Y&R too, but Jill and how Jess took over the role of Jill is the foundation of Y&R. Any scene with Katherine and Jill is must see, even if Lame Cane is in it. It's intense and incredible.

Me too and it's really making me nervous.

Jess would never go to GH. That show is garbage anymore and I highly don't see Jess playing a character that will be degraded by Maurice Benard. Jess would tear JFP, Frons, Guza and MB another one.

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I've always enjoyed AMC, pre-2000. It can be easily argued that Lucci is "the" face of daytime, but LaWalton is a better actress, IMO. I admit that there have been years when Lucci was robbed of a well deserved Emmy, but other than that, she is way too dramatic. I see real fire in Jess. I see real hurt in Jess. I see multi-dimensions in her performances. I don't always see that with Erica.

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Range, you can't expect any actress with dignity(especially one who has the amount of airtime that Jess Walton has gotten recently) to take a paycut.

I used to agree with that until I put myself in their shoes: What if my job(a company which makes alot of money as is) demanded that my pay get cut for the good of the company or to keep costs low? What if I'm feeding my family or drug addiction and if the portion they're cutting will keep me from smoking green or buying the occasional dinner out that I deserve? How would you feel if your pay was getting cut?

I mean, it's not like Jess Walton is Bernie Madoff or an AIG exec. She's a person too and she deserves to be treated with respect at the workplace, like we all do.

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Like Dinah said, What a Difference a Day Makes.

I'm off to hop the Acela, and when I log on again this evening, I pray to find that the rumors of illness are completely untrue and this is all a contract dispute. At this point, I'd be relieved if she quit due to $$$ than have my fears of disease confirmed.

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