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OLTL: ABC SID Spoilers & SOD.Com Casting News

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Soapoperdigest.com casting news:

More Comings And Goings On OLTL

Timothy D. Stickney returns as OLTL's RJ sometime this spring. Tuc Watkins' David is leaving Llanview on March 2, but is set to be back next month.

OLTL Actress Out!

ONE LIFE TO LIVE is confirming the imminent departure of Jacqueline Hendy (Vanessa). Vanessa says goodbye to Cristian when the character is deported the week of Feb. 23.

Casting News From SID:

KDLR (Antonio) filmed his last scenes on Jan. 27. OLTL doesn't want to ruin an exciting upcoming story & are keeping his last air date under wraps.

HBS (Nora) says that she is very happy about Rachel's return. Her first air date is April 7. Hank's is April 1.

Jacqueline Hendy (Vanessa Vega) has been let go. No word yet on how she will exit. A show rep says that Vanessa's step daughter Lola may be remaining on the show.

A OLTL rep tells SID that their report on Roscoe Born (Mitch Lawrence) returning is false.

Tuc Watkins will once again exit the role of David Vickers shortly and has already taped his last scenes.

SID says a setside source tells them that a body double will be used for Evangeline when someone goes to visit her. A source tells SID that Evangeline may be recast this Spring.

Extra Sweeps Spoilers:

A shocking person is found standing over Blair's bloody body.

Two families get bad news (One is Rex/Gigi/Shane).

VCR Alerts:

Friday, February 27: Cole accuses Starr of ratting him out.

Monday, March 2: Starr begs Cole to get help.

Wednesday, March 4: Marty confronts Cole about his drug use.

Thursday, March 5: Cole sees Starr with Schuyler.

Friday, March 6: Cole's actions cause life altering consequences for several residents.

Bo's DNA Test Shocker!

The first DNA test reveals that David and Rex are related. Everyone is shocked to learn that David is Rex's father. Dorian orders another DNA test. The next test says that David isn't Rex's father. It now says that Bo is David's father. Bo admits it is a possibility.

Is Todd Falling For Tea?

Though Todd recently shared a night with Blair, Todd may actually have the hots for Tea. And considering she's been working double-time to protect her deeply troubled ex, can you really blame the guy? TSJ (Todd) says "I would say there's obviously a desire for Todd to be with Tea. She comes over-a lot!-uninvited, and he never does anything to make her leave, so he wants her around. If he wanted her to leave, he'd stand up, grab her by the arm and drag her out!" That may be the case, but the question remains: Will his simple need for companionship lead to the exes reuniting once more? TSJ says "Whether he wants her around because he's in love with her or falling in love with her or because he's lonely, I'm not sure. We'll have to wait and see!"

Kristen Alderson (Starr) has an interview. She talks about the possibility of Starr & Schuyler falling for each other & says it does happen in real life.

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Damn! Vanessa's deported next week? They didn't waste any time did they? But I think unemployment is still better than acting opposite David Fumero.

The recast is just a rumor. But if they want to recast by all means try. I'd think RC would've figured out from Tina and Marty that a bad return is worse than no return at all.

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They probably want to use Evangeline and know that Goldsberry won't return unless they meet the demands she asked for last time - the same ones that ended up with the contract negotiations falling apart.

I don't see her as being a big enough star to make those kind of demands so I have no problem with them recasting if they need to use the character.

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Couldn't they just have her decide that without a body double? Could this be for something more than an exit?

You're probably right but I'll just hope until we know for sure. After the lame ending to her relationship with Fish and his quickie with Gigi's sister I'll be even more disappointed if she's written out.

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I'm not pretending to understand what's up with the body double thing. They did it with both Cris and Todd so maybe during his last contract negotiations ME demanded he get one too. I'm kidding of course but who knows. Now that Vanessa is history they're obviously scrambling to give Fumero something to do.

With the exit of Talia, Layla (assumed), Vanessa, and Antonio, I'm getting the feeling that they're freeing up money for something. Hank is short term and RJ is recurring so it's obviously not them. Maybe they're trying to make FL an offer she can't refuse or setting the stage for TK to come on as Patrick.

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Yes. She's in her third trimester with a baby boy and after everything she's gone through to have a child, ABC's games probably are and should be the furthest thing from her mind.

The 180 on the Mitch rumor is another thing that makes me think there's something brewing backstage, I get the feeling they were going there then changed their minds. JMHO.

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She's lovely, don't get me wrong, but was REG as Evangeline really all that?? I started to feel like she was a classic example of tptb getting a whiff of hype, and then creating and believing in a load more of it. I don't think she's irreplaceable, I think EPs/network honchos are awful casting directors these days, greenlighting all the wrong recasts for all the wrong reasons.

And this is unimportant, but of course they gave the black girl a purple apartment. :rolleyes:

Poor Layla, it's like they've kept her withering on the vine just in case something could eventually get worked out with REG. Of course it'll never happen but when Janet Hubert Whitten was on as their mom along with other relatives, I thought their life down in Silver Spring, MD would make a great Loving-like spinoff, maybe OLTL's answer to GHNS.

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