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Y&R: Week of February 16, 2009

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I started liking her in January 2008, since I didn't watch the LML coma-fest, where she was bonding with Daniel (it really was a friendship that seemed interesting) who tried to become closer to her, but she kept rejecting him. There was something about her, being an underdog; shielding her feelings from the rest of the world. I guess it was because she had just found her father or something. We don't know much about her time away from Genoa City except her college years. When she hooked up with Adam, they were just so hot and even later I liked their stories. It's the writers that kind of ruined it. The character could use a bit of a spark, sure, but she is a lot smarter and not so dimwitted like some.

Plus, it helps a lot that the actress is hot. I am not the type of the fan that would start to defend Vail as soon as someone attacked her. I am aware of her deficiencies and I'm not trying to hide that. I just don't think she's so bad that they need to remove her from out screens.

But if they eventually removed her from the show, I'd get over it soon.

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ITA with you man, and yeah, Vail being hot does help. :D I wish they would stop having her going up against Victor because it's totally unbelievable. I'm always like, "She's going to take down Victor? Yeah right." LOL I hope when she comes back, they will take Heather in a different direction.

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I like Heather. When I see Val, she just screams bitch. She has that look about her and I get that in her voice too. I think Heather is too nice of a role for her and I wish they'd give her more of an edge. She has potential and I want them to make her more bitchy. A little crazy wouldnt hurt either

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So maybe they could take than seemingly un-stable personality and give her a bit of a spark or something. They should do some sort of a character development especially after everything Adam had done to her.

Ahh yes, being uptight... it's one of the things that I liked about her, it made her just a little bit different than other more "loose" girls. She doesn't seem to be the overly-friendly type. Maybe that's where she's a bit similar to me or something, I don't know.

That is a good idea. But the question is... do the writers have the time or need to invest in the character? Or are they just waiting for time to pass and let her go...

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I do understand those type of people, maybe that's why I like her. :) She has problems relating and most people (even the viewers) see that as being self-involved, when actually it isn't like that. It's easier for people to assume that a standoffish person is rude rather then take time to approach the person.

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I'm fine with Heather playing a supporting role, she just needs a little more personality. Although, if Vail left or if they wanted to recast or write the character off, I wouldn't mind.

I like that Y&R has a stable of supporting characters, it adds something to the main storylines going on.

Where's BadZoe with her assessment of Heather? I'm of the opinion that she can't stand the girl either. :lol:

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