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Rand Paul is an oddity and I can easily see him not running for another term or losing to a well-funded primary challenger.

McConnell is the king of Kentucky politics (even if he isn't what he used to be - if he was Trey Grayson would be with him in the Senate), so I doubt he is going anywhere until he wants to.

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I think that most independents would have a hard time classifying CNN as right-leaning. While Begala and Carville dislike Obama for obvious reasons, both men gladly point out how sorry shape the GOP is in and how that party is controlled by Tea Party extremists. (And the latter observation is obviously false, since Boehner would not be speaker--nor would Romney be the presidential front-runner--if Republicans were completely dominated by the Tea Party.)

When Erick Erickson is on CNN, I don't see him being presented as a mainstream conservative; rather, he is always introduced as editor of the RedState.com blog. (And I figure most people would realize that anyone who manages a blog called "RedState" would be extremely conservative.) To me, CNN's idea of mainstream conservatives are contributors like Ari Fleischer and Alex Castellanos.

I actually see Roland Martin--somebody who is as big an Obama supporter as any talking head on MSNBC--consume considerably more airtime on CNN than Erickson does.

What's the problem with Democrat Claire McCaskill? If it wasn't for her vote, ObamaCare would have never become law. Honestly, any Democrat to her left would be unable to win a statewide election in Missouri. (Would you rather nominate somebody more liberal, only to have that individual lose to the GOP nominee?) I guess I should apologize in jumping to assumptions/conclusions, but almost always when I see Democratic criticism of McCaskill, Blanche Lincoln, Ben Nelson, Evan Bayh, etc., it is because they are not liberal enough.

Edited by Max
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No Max, don't apologize.

Your comment just showed to me, with respect, that you did jump and you honesty have no idea about how we here IN MISSOURI feel about her. And, sometimes, liberal or conservative doesn't even enter into the equation. I guess it does for you, but it doesn't for me. We here. IN MISSOURI, feel she is a very bad senator. Ok? We want her voted out. That's how WE feel. So, maybe in the future, my friend, you could kinda work on jumping to conclusion and just, maybe, ask those of us who live in the state how we may feel first before just assuming what the reason may be about why i or anyone else may or may not particularly like a certain pol.

So no primary challenge at all? Whew. Well, you can't change the mind of someone who doesn't want to have it changed, I guess. LOL!

Why does that name Trey Grayson sound familiar?

Edited by Roman
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Trey Grayson was Kentucky's Secretary of State from 2004-2011, and ran against Rand Paul in the Republican primary last November to replace the retiring Jim Bunning in the U.S. Senate.

In January of this year, Grayson resigned as Sec. of State and took a position at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.


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WB used to be, in my eyes, and fine journalist. I don't know what happened, but he sure does let pols slide when it comes to certain statements and words spoken. It disappoints me. Bt, CNN has been looking for a path now for the last 4 years. Their higher ups don't seem to know which way they want to go, and trying to be all things doesn't seem to be working. But, when you hire a complete azz like Eric Erikson.....there is no wonder, for me at least, why I no longer watch that channel.

Thanks, Scotty. I knew that name was familiar. LOL!

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Brian, I didn't realize they were that bad in your state. And I thought our Congress here in Mo. was full with nothing but partisan zombies who only know what they want pushes through instead of what is best for the people of the state.

Also, how do you feel about Cali. legalizing weed?

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