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Every now and then I met the writers. When I was first on the show it was mostly a husband and wife team with a few others in the mix. The details are fading with age! MOst of the actors just move on to the next project or leave the industry. Some kept going and others did not. Some by choice and others because work dried up.

I did meet the producers early on when they kept me there after my audition. Actors tend to see directors, other actors, make up, hair, shooting crew and production office staff the most.

I sent the link for the forum to a few other cast members. One is having the same 'challenge' question issue I had! Funny how we actors take things literal! The question really should read "Name your favorite Soap Opera" instead of just 'Soap'. I admit it...I kept trying Dial, Ivory, etc etc. Yes, I know some logic would dictate they meant soap opera considering the content of this forum and site but for us older folks, we know Soap companies used to sponsors most Soap Operas and my mind went there! lol

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I am usually terrible at these things - I can't remember if I did the soap question right or not.

Did you ever have to do any type of promotional appearances? It's very tough to find material on this show.

The person who uploads the AL episodes gave me permission to post the link here. I know only a few of us watch these but in case anyone stumbles onto the thread and wants to learn more:


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I was watching the arrival of Nancy Lawson. I was shocked by Nancy's backstory involving the ex-husband, the abortion, and her secret prostitute mother. It would have been interesting if Elaine, Nancy's biological mother, arrived in town and became born-again looking to reunite with her wayward daughter.

It never dawned on me, but I guess Jeff Cummings' saved by the light was a Friday cliffhanger. Those scenes with little Jennifer telling her father Jesus will save her were surprisingly effective. I just wish it didn't have such a hokey ending.

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I've always been interested in seeing Another Life. Now that somebody has uploaded early episodes to Youtube, I've started watching. I've seen the first five eps so far. What was it about the early months that didn't work? So far, I'm not hooked but I'm not driven away either. It has potential and surprisingly good production value. I also love the opening. It's like a short version of Sunset Beach's first theme. Around when did the show start getting "good"?

I also think it's fascinating that Roy Windsor helped create it in 1981 when the last soap he created was in 1954 I think. Imagine Agnes making a new soap today

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I think the general idea is the show was muddled early on, with all the heavy crime stories. There was also some criticism of the way the religious element was handled, in that it may have been seen as too heavy-handed. Other than the very early stuff, with Peter yelling about there being no God and Lori yelling the same (after she was badly injured in a car accident), I don't think it's been too bad. But there may be a bunch of episodes which are not included in the syndication episodes. Someone told me they skipped a few months of the early episodes, and you can sort of see that with the flashbacks of Lori thinking of happy times with Becky - none of which was shown.

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Thanks. I wish they'd started from the very beginning. I thought it was strange that the man giving a prelude to the story. And I also like how Peter and Lori questioned their beliefs. It seems like AL is trying to show that some people struggle with faith. I liked when the parents said that it's easy to be spiritual when things are going good, but the test is when times are hard. I don't know whether that's a common thing that is said, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless. At this point, I want the show to branch out and weave in new characters and stories, but things take awhile in the beginning.

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I like the idea of the kids questioning their beliefs, I just didn't think the writing was very good. Peter raging and throwing fits right after his sister is in a car crash.

The most interesting parts of the early episodes for me are Terry's mother, who seems kind of comic relief and a little Jewish and an odd fit for the family, and seeing Jeff when he was an ass.

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What I had a problem with in that scene was what everyone had to say about Peter's reaction. They treated him like he was a child, but I thought his reaction itself was natural, not so much the dialogue. Is Jeff the one who did the hit-and-run?

Something about Terry's mother grates me. I feel like I'm supposed to like her but I don't. I think I could like her more depending on what the show has her do.

The highlight so far was in episode 7, when Jeff? and Lori's roommate were in the waiting room and Terry says something like "you are the two who can benefit my daughter the most."

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  • 6 months later...
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I am a relative newcomer to ANOTHER LIFE as a viewer, but I have enjoyed watching some of the episodes on You Tube. Always nice to see Susan Scannell; I enjoyed her performances on RYAN'S HOPE as Gabrielle Dubujak/Chessy Blake and on DYNASTY as Niki DeVilbis. Especially the latter; she was so good playing a conceited, rude and obnoxious bitch!! tongue.png Ditto to saynotoursoaps' comments about Jerry Timm--what a HUNK!! wub.png So sorry to read of his fate; he also did print advertisements for Kool cigarettes in the mid '80s (he was the man on the motorcycle). I also like Matt Williams (Ben Martin)--very handsome :-) I wish this show could be released on DVD; as fortunate as it is that these episodes are being shown on YT, I could do without the subtitles wink.png.

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It's always great to see another fan. I have sort of taken a hiatus while watching and doing a dozen other things, but there's something very special about the show and its heart. Do you prefer the show before or after Terry's husband was killed?

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