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AMC: Tuesday, 11/11/08

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You make good points. Personally I go back and forth on the issue of Rebecca's race. If we knew/saw more of what Jesse felt for her then it would be easier for me to say.

When Randi reacted to seeing Frankie with Taylor she brought up the white woman thing so I don't think they're afraid to do it. I think it's consistent with Angie's character to refuse to give voice to that out loud even if she feels it. Because it's "beneath" her, because she refuses to feel "inferior" etc... I said weeks ago that it would be nice to have Angie and Livia go out for drinks (much the way Angie/Krystal did). It would be off the chain to have a scene with Angie telling Livia who is married to a white man that she hates the fact that Jesse was married to a white woman.

I'm willing to bet Rebecca's race will get mentioned but not by Angie. It'll be Frankie who throws it out there. I only hope Natalia hands him his ass when he does.

This is a case where I think Pratt would do it but Frons won't let it happen. We know what Frons' vision of daytime looks like and it doesn't include anybody darker than a paper bag. (see OLTL and GH)

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Pretty good show today.

I still cannot believe that Aiden is on the dark side. But, I'm actually liking it. It's about time that someone turned against St. Lavery.

I still cannot believe he slapped Annie. Even though I think he was doing it just to egg her on. It apparently worked. Cause, she knocked the crap out of him with that stick/cane/whatever it was.

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I hear you Marceline, and that's the thing... even I would be worried that Angie's rep would be damaged by fans who didn't "get it" and responded poorly to that type of reaction from her. But that's where it gets sticky, I mean how much of storytelling should be about playing it safe vs. "going there" from time to time? I totally agree with you though, it makes perfect sense that someone like Angie would restrain herself from making a comment like that. Again, for someone like Dru, it would be perfectly in character. But Angie being a little tips today would have been a good opportunity.

The whole thing just makes me think, because my gut tells me that LK was cast because soaps are soaps and as harsh as it sounds, they'd rather cast actors of the caucasian persuasion, point blank. But if this is the case, I say don't stop there... if they insist upon keeping minorities in the minority in daytime I won't just sit back and accept that as a fan, I want to challenge them as a viewer and see if they have the stones to deliver some raw storytelling.

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Angie and Cliff... there's no reason for her to bring up Rebecca's ethnicity. I mean, if she does, then she does. But at this point, I don't see it as anything important for her to bring up. Angie, being a smart, educated, worldly woman, would understand that ethnicity isn't the issue. It's the fact that Jesse took up with ANY other woman for 20 years -- that's the main issue. To bring up Rebecca's ethnicity is ridiculous. That would be like her saying: "I CAN'T STAND THAT YOU LET YOUR SON AND I THINK YOU WERE DEAD -- BUT AT LEAST YOU CREATED ANOTHER LIFE WITH A BLACK WOMAN!" It's really a minor thing compared to the meat of issue. White, Black, Latino, Asian, Hindi, whatever... the point is Angie grieved for Jesse while he was living a life with another woman and child. I doubt the skin color would make that pain any more or less.

I applaud my soap for going out of its way to be diverse without drawing attention to it. It's almost 2009! The past five years, Pine Valley has been lily white.

Moving on... Tad can suck on a live wire for all I care. Since he's such a bigger man than David, why not bring a psychotic ex-lawyer to town to kidnap Jenny? Or even still, bury another man alive as Kathy's birthday present. "Happy Birthday, Sweetie! I killed a man for you're present! Hope you love the corpse!"


I think it's cute that people are all abuzz about Aidan slapping Annie. It's clear that he did it to provoke her to smack him with the cane. I don't know where all of this extra commentary's coming from.

Ryan and his obnoxiously self-entitled demeanor gets on my nerve. He's in Puerto Rico and still gives face to the cops? I mean, really. Jesse did us no favors by letting him skate on assaulting an officer.

I wanna see Frankie's nipples already! Why the hell did they have to pair him up with the world's most gorgeous hooker who has intimacy problems? It's like a big ass joke! This supermodel hooker, who'd spread her legs quicker than a Carey Girl, all of a sudden becomes celibate and modest -- thereby making Frankie abstain? AND HE LIKES IT?!

Ugh, the injustice of it all!

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Yay! Rage Monkey's plane is in trouble. Crash and burn, Bug Eyes. Crash. And. Burn.

Too bad the fantabulous Annie and that hot-as-sin pilot are in the plane with him, though.

The mutual violence between Annie and Aidan smacked (pardon the pun) of foreplay.

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