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AMC: Randi and STDs

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has she ever mentioned getting tested for any STDs. I know she and Frankie havent slept together yet, but considering she was a prostitute not too long ago, I think this should be something that should be acknowledged. Angie's also a doctor, so Id have expected for her to bring up this point as well, if she hasnt already. It would be an interesting twist if they do have her and Frankie sleep together, only for her to find out she had something after and give Frankie a health scare. It could be an interesting story if she did have HIV. Would Angie feel compassion for her considering what she went through with Cindy or would she be even more determined to keep her from Frankie bc she's scared for him? She had her own HIV scare on Loving, so she would know what he's going through

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yeah she would be the weak link but I have found her to be improving since they dropped her angry hooker angle. This would be a good chance to tell a socially relevant story and give Frankie/Randi some much needed conflct which isnt the typical triangle which all couples seem to go through

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LEAVE JUDY ALONE!! :P But seriously, the industry's more to blame. Her hands are kinda tied and she hardly has the final say on contract players.

She's an avid theatre-goer and she loves great actors, but she has to answer to a higher soapy power when it comes to looks. Not as much as she used to, but she and her associate Bob Lambert plug a lot of talented NY theatre actors with "character looks" in recurring/dayplayer roles.

Elizabeth Rodriguez is a NY theatre talent. She originated a scene-stealing role in The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, and boy did she fill that role to a 'T'... imagine a rawer, raunchier Carmenx100.

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