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ATWT: Thoughts on Noelle Beck as Lily?

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I've been waiting for this thread for SO long.

First off, there's no "s" at the end of Byrne, Cheap. :lol:;):P

If MB were still in the role, she wouldn't be doing half the things Lily is doing right now. I could never see MB running Carly over (she might slap or ostracize, but never try to kill). I could never see her having revenge sex with Mike just a week after she discovered Holden's infidelity.

Noelle is a good actress. Not the best, not awesome, not amazing. Just good.

I hate her crying spells, too. Too much effort. Martha Byrne could cry without shedding one tear. She had a certain audience appeal where you actually felt something for Lily. You somehow could feel her happiness or her sadness or her anger. With Noelle, I feel nothing.

Noelle has no chemistry with Jon or Grayson, and very little with Elizabeth. Martha Byrne oozed chemistry.

Martha Byrne was a bit whiney at times, but it was all a part of portraying Lily at the time. The whiney Lily (surprisingly) died when Noelle came into the picture and Lily started running people down with her car and having akward sex with 20-year old's. MB's best years at Lily were in the 80's when Lily was either rebelling against her mother, falling more in love with Holden than ever, or being a damsel in distress. The most recent years with MB, she qickly became a needy housewife with very low self-esteem and a thirst for attention. But that's all part of the writing IMHO.

In closing, I think Noelle is doing a good job and holding her own, but I don't think she's meant for ATWT. Maybe she's meant for another soap (A Bell soap, definitely) or perhaps primetime. But not ATWT. But on the other hand, I wouldn't dare want Martha Byrne to come back on the pretense that if she were to return, TAIC would either wither Lily down so much until she went down the drain or keep her in this out-of-character phase she seems to be in with Noelle in the role.

God, I miss Martha! :(

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Call me bitter but the way TPTB handled MB's exit still infuriates me. ATWT isn't the show I loved without Martha. NB is lovely, capable and quite fearless, but it doesn't make up for the fact that Martha got basically evicted out of her home for business politics. goutman is evil and I can't wait to see him out on his A$$!

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You have to wonder... if there is a change at the top and a new producer comes aboard, will that EP ask Martha to return to the role. Her exit was very badly handled and ATWT should be ashamed.

Noelle isn't Martha, but if I strictly looked at Noelle without thinking of Martha's interpretation then I'd have to say Noelle is doing a good job. She's not great in the role, but she's done well with what she's handled. I'm just glad to see her back on daytime; I loved her on Loving.

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Thanks for the responses everyone! It seems the verdict is divided on her. I loved her on Loving as well and really enjoying her. ATWT fans are lucky and its a shame I dont watch regularly bc Id love her over at ABC. I think she would make a great Lanie recast over on AMC. She has the look, she's the right age and the character has been gone for way too long.

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