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OLTL: 2 Actresses Exit

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One Life to Live, A/ABC — Justis Bolding fired!

• This just in: Justis Bolding has been let go as the faux Sarah Roberts. Thank you, soap god Ron Carlivati! On this special day in soap opera history, I also — coincidentally, mind you — want to announce I love the Marty and Todd romance. Love it. Can't get enough of it, actually. Isn't that weird? In fact, they're my favourite super-couple in all of daytime! Go Tarty!

• MAJOR SUDSFLASH: Is this why Justis Bolding has been fired? Andrea Evans' last OLTL tape date as Tina Lord Roberts is October 31, claim sources on the soap. "It's Brian Frons' decision," states a Llanview insider. "It's costing ABC a lot of money to keep flying in Andrea. They wanted her to relocate, but she refused. It's also a scheduling nightmare. And Ron Carlivati isn't happy about it at all. She'll last air during November sweeps - if all goes according to plan. However, Ron is trying to keep Andrea and Tina on his canvas." More details next week. ABC did not return my emails at press time for confirmation.

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Well I hope they cram in a lot more Viki/Tina scenes these next few weeks, that meeting at the airport was appreciated but not NEARLY enough. I know they're involved in their own stories, but we "legacy" fans want to see Tina interact with the old crew. Of course it's nice to see her making connections with her nieces, but we want her mixing it up with Viki, Dorian, and the Buchanan boys. Even Blair with whom she had a contentious relationship.

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The Justis rumors have been around forever and with the introduction of the Montez women, Sarah is dispensible. So I am not surprised. I really wish that AE would be staying but OLTL tapes in New York. She lives in Califormia. She doesn't want to stay in NY any longer than she has too and can you blame her? I remember reading the People magazine article about her from a few months ago and it stated that even though her stalker from the 80's is basically an invalid, the studio still hired extra security for her (which I am glad that they did) plus they fly her out from California. I hate to say this, but because there wasn't a huge ratings upswing I can see Frons cutting the losses and let her go.

Not that the should. AE IS the Tina. I want Tina there until she sees David Vickers the human again. I hope that David Vickers the dog stays in Llanfair, Bree needs someone other than her psycotic mother to play with

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Yeah, I hate to see her go. Maybe they can pull a Marco Dane and have her involved with some crazy caper with Tracy on GH for a bit. I still hope they'll pull some sort of miracle with her on OLTL. We were all SO excited to see her back, it's been a *smidge* of a let down s/l wise, though it's great just to see her in Tina's shoes again.

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I never watched Passions, however, if AE is playing Tina "Rebecca-ish" then she played Rebecca "Tina-ish", because she's playing Tina exactly as she has always done... that's sad if that's true because that would mean that AE doesn't have any range. :mellow:

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I agree! i've noticed other people complain that AE plays Tina like Rebecca and tho I never watched Passions, I remember Tina from the mid and late 80s and AE is playing her the same way now

Either she has no range, or Passions told her to play Rebecca just like Tina

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