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AMC-Suggestions for Seriously Lapsed Fans?

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How's it goin, my fellow and sister AMC-types, lapsed AMC-types and formerly lapsed but recently returned AMC-types? :P

I've been recording AMC but not watching (actually deleting, mostly) with most episodes back to when Pratt began (on 8/25ish, was it?).

I need the space on my hard drives but mostly want to catch up on some past episodes to get a good feel of the show under the new regime while getting up to speed on who's zoomin' who. Being greedy like I am, I'd like to watch no more than I have to gain that feel and speed. B)

How far back would you suggest I go to play catch up....1 day, 1 week, end of August? I hope it's not more than a couple of weeks.

Any must. not. miss. episodes yet under the new regime? I dig funny, too...so not just drama (have little interest in the circular drama of the Fab Five or whateverthehell they're called these days, Annie is the exception and Greenlee in certain circumstances.)

Angela, Adam, Zendallfan, and all you brave soldiers....help out a wayard AMC girl?

Thank you kindly. I imagine your suggestions may be helpful to others returning and thinking of returning to the show.

PS & BTW, I am kind of excited about all the developments (not just the most obvious one for me, if ya know me) I've heard about thus far. And very surprised to find myself attracted to this damned show again. Sorry, a tangent best for Spoiler Town.

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You could prob jump into it anytime now, frankly. It's been good for about... 2 weeks? While I'm an obsessed fan who would never miss an episode, I wouldn't bother going much further back than that anyway--you'll jump back into it really easily.

Yesterday (Tuesday's) ep was the first full out comic ep AMC has had in ages--if you want a funny one don't erase it.

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Well, I have felt the last two weeks probably are when things finally starting to gel with Pratt.... you noticed a difference within a few days, but I felt glued to my seat once Desperate/Psycho Annie hit her crescendo.

I'd say the Tuesday after Labor Day would be a good starting point to sort of grasp what is going on. By the end of that week the Josh reveal happened, and we also got the first big look at the character of Taylor played by Beth Ehlers.

That's where I would begin personally. The show is moving alot quicker now a days, but I always say with a soap it doesn't matter if you miss a month, or several years, it doesn't take that long to catch up ;)

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Hey, thanks for the replies, guys.

I think I will go zoom through the last couple of weeks over the weekend if I can.

You guys encouraged me to dip my toe in the water and watched Thursday's show this morning and it was very entertaining, funny and the actors seemed more engaged. *crosses fingers*

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Watch last Thursday (11th) and Fridays's (12th) shows if you want to see Melissa Claire Egan bring it.

DO NOT MISS Wednesday's episode because it was so much fun. Remember when people used to joke (under MMT's reign) about Erica and Adam sitting in the Backburner Café? Not anymore. I would actually consider them AMC's "A" story right now.

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