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Which soap is YOUR soap?

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Part of me doesn't want you to delete the redundant "s" in the title.

That is the mischievous part of me, because it makes me smile that having his name associated with a typo makes Sylph squirm a little :). I love you Sylph, but you're so much fun to tease :).

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Well, in a word (that's for you, Sylph) ANOTHER WORLD.

I started watching soaps in the late 1960s. I was in love with DAYS and ATWT and AW, with my mother. I also wandered around the dial to GH. Oh, and I was seriously in love with THE DOCTORS, too. Sometimes SFT. I first loved AMC with Phil & Tara. Later, I even liked Tad/Ted. I don't know when I first began to watch GL but it, now was a long time ago. Let's put it this way: I have no independent memory of Robin Mattson as Hope on GL but I do of her as Crazy Heather on GH. Oh, that brings me to SB, I can't forget how much I loved SANTA BARBARA. I even loved GENERATIONS, plus PC and The CITY, a lot of soaps at different times. I soured on DAYS during the first half of the 90s when James E. Reilly tried to make it into something completely different & foreign & of a lesser quality. Eventually I realized I was criticizing it far more than I was finding good things about it & I quit it. Over the years when some announcement has made me check it out again, ... I never last with it. The end of PC was particularly bittersweet for me because after AW went off the air I was watching almost all of the soaps on the air to try to get my fix, ya know? :P And, I knew I would be sticking with ATWT & GL, not sticking with Y&R and B&B, not picking DAYS back up, sticking with the whole ABC lineup. And, PC became my emotional replacement (bad word for it) for AW. Then, oh, yeah, first let's completely change it - and then cancel it. I have been baptized in the fire of soaps being ruined & of soaps being canceled. I came through that fire with cynicism honed to a fine point, where I find whatever good I can find & testify my truth, brothers & sisters! Wow, that was unnecessarily long. D'oh.

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Passions-I consider it my soap because it's the one soap, I have watched from the very beginning. The one soap that I know the history pretty well. The show also gave me Luis & Sheridan and Fancy & Noah...2 of my all-time favorite soap couples. Sure they didn't end up together but I do have fond memories.

Runner up would be GH

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Days of our Lives and Another World are my all time favorites.

I loved Santa Barbara from the beginning till arouund 1989

GH from 1986-1990

I watched Generations from beginning till the end.

Search for Tomorrow, 1983-84, then from late 85 till the end.

After Another World ended I watched ATWT until 2002.

One Life to Live 2002-2005, cant sit thru that anymore.

I loved Edge of Night when they were showing it on USA in the mid 80's. I used to stay up to watch it. Im currently watching AW, SFT, Edge and Texas on AOL Video.


"Join us each weekday at this time for the continuing story of Another World!"

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