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Y&R: Week of August 11, 2008

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Sheilaforever, I agree. The sympathy and interest I had in Colleen when either Fonseca or Leon have portrayed her have completely left the building. Right now they're writing her in the most awful way, and I won't comment much on Sursok's portrayal because that could start up another long discussion. We all know where we stand with her.

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Colleen comes off to me as a completely rudderless character. Very rarely have I seen her interact with her father or have any kind of meaningful discussion with another character. Admittedly, I didn't watch regularly when the character was played by other actresses so I have no point of reference to how the current actress stands up against the others. And what I've described above puts the onus on the writers.

She is a legacy character and should be written with more insight or historical reference. Right now, she comes across as randomly placed in scenes simply to generate some type of "angst" or "conflict", but it falls flat. Simply calling Amber and Chloe bitches does nothing to endear her to me at all, simply because I love Chloe and makes me have more empathy for that character.

Perhaps with her mother coming back this week will start some changes for Colleen? Hopefully so, because at this moment I have no use for the character or the actress.

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Honestly, if she had more elocution lessons, I wouldn't be as annoyed. And I think it's really time for people to start reacting to Chloe's antics in a more multi-layered fashion because I, personally, have become annoyed with all of THEM. Just bad acting all around with this storyline, I think.

If someone can help me out a bit, since Y&R was godawful when Chloe's scheme began, I totally missed all those episodes. Did the writers actually show Chloe and Cane doing it? Did Chloe collect his sperm back there? Or is this supposed to be a mystery that will all come out in a few months? I'm so confused. I even thought Chloe wasn't pregnant at all because of the way she switched the date on the ultrasound last week. Help?

I think Victor and the little girl are sweet because that's what his daughter looked like in Nikki's dream. He's living out the life he would've had if Sabrina hadn't passed.

It's good the writers are showing Adam's vulnerability. Although, it's not new. When Hope passed away, there were brief scenes of his sorrow. So the writers have crafted him very carefully so that he won't be a one-dimensional villain.

Nick/Phyllis boring. I don't care what no one says. Get him back with Sharon.


Victoria/Billy??? LOL. God, JT/Billy fighting again. Yum!! Probably, Billy/Amber though... hmm.

I want to see TS play lead in a s/l and in a new setting just because I'm tired of seeing her play the same emotions everyday. TS vs. Amber? Get her back to school? She should totally get addicted to drugs. Colleen was a little addict when she first came on SORASed. They should revisit that. DO SOMETHING.

Or just get rid of her.

Loved Melody the last month. She's awesomeness.

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^^^It's just this Colleen that is basically a glorified day player. The other two Colleen's interacted with Brad and other adults. I still remember Leon's Colleen's toast at Victoria's bridal shower...that was a thing of beauty. And I remember Fonseca's kinda reckless teenager s/l and John taking her in. They both had some good s/ls. TS...not so much and while that can be blamed on the writers, it also falls on the actress because I think TPTB see that she just can't even being apart of a major s/l and just seem to be waiting until they get the green light to fire her or something and are basically giving her some bullshit so she'll meet her minimal episodes and be done with her.

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No, they didn't show Cane and Chloe having sex. It's supposed to be a mystery. We'll see how it develops (although I already know what will probably happen).

Colleen was a great character back in the day. I just miss that version of her. This one is just... blah.

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Chloe found out she was pregnant and then started her scheme to make Cane the "father". They never had sex. She just offered a very drunk Cane a ride home and he passed out in her car and she took off both of their clothes and when Cane woke up the next morning, Chloe told him that they had sex and you know the rest. LOL

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If that's the case Chole would still be in for an windfall! Sister Friend is lokking at this Banbino like he or she is an ATM!

One last thing if Y&R hadn't cast LH in this role Chole would have been a total JOKE! Of Course if LH wasn't so amazing this story wouldn't have happened because Chole was only supposed to be on for a few eps.

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Yeah I wouldn't be shocked if Kay and Jill aren't mother and daughter and while I wouldn't mind if that was changed, it's messed up that making them mother and daughter blew Billy and Mac's relationship out if the water. That s/l was a prime example of shock and awe that was good at the moment for dram's sake but really messed up s/ls down the line.

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