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B&B: Week of August 11, 2008

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I guess I'll catch up with B&B tonight. Have not even seen water-Joker-Storm yet...

Being more or less unable to move (or to hit the remote... ;) ) and thisclose to join Eric in coma-land after being the only participant in my rowing class earlier today should be the best set-up to sit through a bunch of 6 episodes likely to be not so much bold and far from being beautiful. LOL!

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Ugh, feel better. Then again, that's about the only way I'd watch the whole Storm stuff.

In regards to today, I'm glad they at least continues the Steffy and Marcus stuff with a set up (I know, totally biased) and then they had to add in the Ridge's "You'll never date my daughter" which pretty much means they are a done deal, dating wise.

I'm actually glad Kate had her mom to talk to, though I'm already cringing at the scenes we'll get stuck with when they ask Kate to be the godmother to "give her a child to focus on in her life" or whatever. Already thinking that's got to be a FF.

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It's only the beginning, I fear we're in for endless months of it! :lol::lol:

Pretty bored with B&B, it's obvious Bell has shifted Heather Tom and Jennifer Gareis into lead actress status.

KKL is still around, but she's basically just propping up other characters, we see Hunter Tylo once in a blue moon, like today, and where the hell is Susan Flannery? :rolleyes:

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I'm always surprised (bad word) to see this type of posts. Because when Broooke and Stephanie were on, people hated them and wanted the other characters to be in focus. Now that those others are here, people want Brooke and Stephanie.

I mean, I understand it, and I agree - but it's just too funny.

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I like Bridget but how many times is she going to have to watch her husbands having kids with her realtives. They need to give Bridget a backbone instead of always pining over this loser Nick.For some reason I have a feeling Bridget will find out that she can't have kids.

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