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B&B: Week of August 11, 2008

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So did they borrow the GL camera crew today to shoot the outside and hospital stuff. I get they wanted to create some effect, but I was getting dizzy for a few moments there.

While I do think it wasn't Owen's place to tell Donna not ot make that decision, Ridge did seem to be pushing what HE THOUGHT was what Eric would want. Had there not been any alarms on those machines, he would have been the one to make the choice for Eric without any concern about what his siblings and wife thought was best for Eric. My mother, brother and I had to make a similar decision with my grandmother this summer. It was my mother's final decision, but she wanted both of us to be comfortable with the decision before she went with putting her into hospice care.

Don't know what it is that bothers me with Marcus, but he has just gotten too comfty and cozy with the Logans just a bit too easily. <_<

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Bridget is like the worst doctor. Why is she always giving gloom and doom news with impossible scenarios? She said there was no hope whatsover for Katie, only to turn around and find some last minue miracle cure. Now she says Eric's situation is hopeless and of course that most likely wont be the case. She needs to stay away from her family's medical issues

BTW, CBS should officially change B&B name to The Bland and the Boring bc thats exactly what the show is

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Constipation was the first thing that came to mind when I saw RM's facial expressions when I saw him trying to emote.......


The Bridget character needs to be rested for awhile....That girl has has so much bad and depressing stuff happen to her that there are times when I can see why she always gives the worst case scenario, because that's all she knows personally. Like someone else mentioned elsewhere she needs to have a breakdown and slowly work her way back to sanity, then she could hopefully be a bit more optimistic and get rid of that dark cloud that's always lingering above her head........

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Maybe its just me, but is the bridget character tried because she really can't cry anymore. I didn't feel emotional for her like I did for the rest to make such a tough decision.

I felt for Donna 10 times more then I did for Bridget. Something needs to change there.

Anything, about Friday's show. Ridge hearing his father's wishes. Is that what he thinks his father would say or is that what Ridge deep down wants his father to be saying to him. Just asking... ;)

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So I enjoyed yesterday. Yea, part was getting Steffy and Marcus scenes (gawd, they are just SOOO much love and fun) but the rest of it worked for me as well. I thought having Donna be the one to talk Ridge down was an impressive move.

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I'm thinking that we're all the thick ones for watching this :-).

You know what the INCREDIBLE thing about B&B is? In the midst of all that dreck...Donna and Ridge HUGGING for criminy's sake (or holding hands, or whatever they were doing)...STILL sucked me in!!

This is like a never-ending Hallmark card, I think. Cloyingly constructed to draw emotions, but doggone it....it succeeds in the drawing!!

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