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Y&R: Week of August 04, 2008

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She hasn't written since July 18... I really don't know what's going on. Also, Toups said Cherie Bennett/Jeff Gottesfeld were still here, but they also haven't done anything for a long time.

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Wednesday's US Y&R was, for me, a thing of beauty.

Except...ALL THAT SINGING. They must have run short to stick in THREE songs (not counting the amazing montage at end).

1. Kay giving Jesus a talking to. Loved it! A little humor before the pain.

2. Adam is all the more compelling when he is seething. The writers now understand that we want to FEEL our characters. To that end, the actual and previewed conflicts with Nick were spine tingling.

3. Nikki and her fight for sobriety is...okay....I hope she either does or doesn't soon. ON THE OTHER HAND, dumping David's ashes in a wheelbarrow full of (pardon my friend) horse sh*t was a thing of beauty.

4. It was odd that Daniel went to Newman's. But his drawing was really quite nice. I was pleased that Victor had looked at it.

5. I really didn't understand why that reverend did't just do a memorial for the people who had attended. Who needs the body?

6. My heart was strangely warmed by the nice way that Michael asked Kevin to ride with him to the prison, and how nicely Kevin went along. I'm glad Terrible Tom was again mentioned. Today reminded me of HIS ashes (disposal!!) and his still-unopened safe deposit box.

7. Surprises for me: Victor on the bus to Mexico. That sideways shot through the open window vaguely reminded me of Y&R's debut (when Brad Elliot rode a dusty pickup--as a hitchhiker--en route to Genoa City)

8. That ending montage. I loved the music, I loved the set pieces...each set up with real craftspersonship:

- Victor at the graveside with a single flower

- Adam and his cell phone

- Kay seeing Nikki's open AA book and cross

- Nikki, ashes, and horsesh*t (!!!!!!!!!! GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!)

- Victor on the bus

- Sabrina's drawing

- side note...I think that was the first time we saw that exterior shot of the Crimson Lights door like that, wasn't it? I found it visually interesting, but was the door unfinished aluminum? I wasn't expecting that...

Besides Ana, Devon and the Sesame Street songs, I could have done without (a) Karen at the funeral AND talking about apartments and such, and (B) Brad and Jill bickering at the funeral.

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:lol: Well as for blows..I meant actually fighting/punches. :lol: I think you mean the other blows. :D Although, I could be wrong. :lol: They got into it today and will to tomorrow again. I cant wait until the shirts come off and they do come to blowsssssssssss ;)

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