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B&B: Week of July 21, 2008

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Well, I have now seen it.

B&B just slays me. That was a PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT episode (except for the Nick-Katie-Bridget parts), with a PERFECT-PERFECT-PERFECT Friday tag.

This show has been just awful...and it turns on a dime like this. I'm sure Monday I will hate it again. What a show :-). Like gambling, it keeps you coming back for the hope of these rare moments of glory.

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Not a huge fan of Donna, but there was something about that ending there that had me going with my evil laugh. :lol: The Forrester kids whining like 10 year olds about Donna. You know the second they had control of the company they would have thrown her out like yesterday's trash. It was quite enjoyable to see Donna turn the tables on them. Can't wait to see the fallout from all of it.

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That's exactly how I felt. I'm not a Donna fan either, but there was just something so enjoyable watching all this go down. They have been acting like such brats, particularly Ridge. Okay, I'm a bit biased (I love my FeFe), but Felicia has been just as bad. LOL!

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Hey, watch your tongue! She already has a copyrighted brandname, so do not confuse us poor board readers. ;)

It's not necessarily that I'm a Donna fan (speaking of 180° character turns here considering Carrie Mitchum's Donna...) but I got a soft spot for Miss Gareis ever since she played Grace THESLUT© Turner on Y&R. What a despicable tramp but she somehow sold it. On B&B the writing has been very favorable to her. Come on, she's what Darla was for Thorne - someone who backed her hubby instead of constantly tampling on him like the rest of the family. In the past months Ridge (now surprise), Thorne (could have been good with actual motivation but the writers decline on writing for that character) and Fefe (Since when did she become such a Momma's girl whose parents have to stay together?) have behaving so dastardically, childisch and downright heartless they really deserve to be kicked in the curb.

ALthough taunting would have been better: Keeping them on board and constantly reminding them that Mommy Dearest is now calling the shots. Dumbass Ridge would have suffered a heart attack next! :D

I don't get why Brooke didn't get the boot as well. PodBrooke played Ridge's plan like a fiddle and had zero scruples turning her back on the father of her children and Donna. What a weak and sad person she is. - I'd pay a fortune to understand why people still, after all these years of bad past experience, there are people who still want Brooke & Ridge together? Bridge is character assassination in progress for Brooke.

That said: last week was great.

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Donna wouldn't fire her sister! And it's a good thing Brooke is still there at Forrester, she and Rick are perhaps the only experienced people left in the company after Donna's coup LOL :lol:

You can't have Forrester without Ridge/Felicia/Thorne. I suspect that when Eric recovers, he'll reinstate his kids. :D

What I want to happen: Stephanie is awakened from her slumber/retirement, and she goes after Donna, or it's Stephanie and Pam vs Donna. :lol:

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Have you seen the pics from Monaco's TV festival this year where La Gareis was all over Prince Albert? Just saying... :lol:

Need to comment about Steffy & Marucs. Yes, they are sweet and I totally love them. But how old are they? Or do we still live in the 50s? Them gushing about their first kiss like that, made them look like 12. And I'm sorry, Texas Battle hardly passes as a teen anymore and I find it way too farfetched to believe that this has first kiss ever. Steffy, maybe, she probably had Prince Charle' nanny as a supervisor in London considering Ridge's paranoia so who knows.

Continuity error: In an episode which surprisngly written by Jack Smith, Felicia stated "Eric never had a heart problem before Donna..." This is not true. He did in 1994 whilst being (then still happily) married to Sheila and Jack Smith was on board. He suffered no heart attack but he has a history.

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I loved Friday's ep and I developed a whole new appreciation for Donna. And I know I'm in the minority here (big surprise), but I like Jennifer Gareis. She goes over-the-top, but I think it's intentional and it suits B&B. She was never O-T-T on Y&R.

Felicia wasn't on the show at that time, so maybe she didn't know?

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I just caught up on this week's episodes, and I loved every second of Donna's public announcement that Thorne, Felicia and Ridge were out at Forrester Creations, and that she would be running the company with Marcus and Rick...I just wonder who's going to be doing the designing?

I have a feeling that Felicia isnt going to take this lying down, I spy a good old fashioned sabotage of the first Forrester collection under Donna at some sort of runway show or something...

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Jennifer Gareis actually was great on Friday's episode! I agree that she's so much better playing the bitch! :D

Donna vs Felicia: bring it on

Donna vs Stephanie: bring it on, the Queen needs to be reawoken from her slumber

I wonder what Brooke will do? Will she follow Ridge out of the company, or will she stay at Forrester to protect her childrens's legacy? B)

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