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OLTL: Discussion for the week July 14-18

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It is demoralizing when one has become older than a headwriter. What a sign of generational succession...

But I watched OLTL tonight, and though it is broad (Tess and her acts of malfeasance are over the top...though the Asa appearance was just chillingly great) it was still total fun from end to end. There is room for (paraphrasing Sylph) good "trash" like this. Total entertainment!

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Yeah, that's what I don't get.

Say what you will about Higley's Tess story, love it or hate it, I find it hard for anybody to argue that Bree didn't do well in it. Granted, she's no Anna Holbrook - but she did a great job. And I'd say it's her strongest long-term storyline to date.

But she NEVER played Tess this... maniacal.

And like I said, you could GET me to the point where Tess is this diabolical. But they haven't. She just popped out and started making BLATANT innuendo's about cleavers and food processors, and it was just too much too fast.

I actually wouldn't have minded seeing Jessica get SOME kind of revenge on Natalie/Jared, and having it not work (because Jessica's not malicious enough in her soul), and seeing her frustration at not being vindictive enough... and THAT'S when Tess comes out. At least then you've shown me how frustrated and at a loss Jessica is - how she can't handle the vengeful thoughts in her head.

But this is just silly.

Again, JMO

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The production team KILLS One Life to Live, every.single.time. And that wouldn't be such a big problem if the cast was generally great, but there are too many inconsistent, and mediocre performers who often falter (even with good writing). However, there are those rare moments when OLTL gets it right.

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I don't find it that much of a stretch for Tess to be on a murder spree. She was the one who was cutting the elevator cables at the Art Gallery to rid herself of Jessica's controlling husband by sending Antonio plummeting to his death, afterall. She got the wrong victim that time, too, when Cristian went down the shaft.

I am so tired of the ABCD Parade O' Ghosts, however. Is it some network wide mandate that every show must include some visits from the nether-world? While it's great to see some of the actors again, mostly it just feels like a cheap stunt and lazy, lazy, lazy writing.

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