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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Dominic Treadwell-Collins said on Twitter that just he had to bring Syed and Christian together legitimately before he left, so I guess today's episode was a product of that...

I guess he didn't want anyone else bringing them together or ripping them apart for good before they actually began...

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Too bad he wasn't actually worried about developing more of their relationship in the first place...Romeo and Romeo indeed. :rolleyes:

There seems to be some criticism of the decision to use Julia's Theme. It doesn't bother me, IF this means they will stay together for a while, as it's a nice way to wrap up the story. I do think that it's kind of like putting a nice shiny bow on a third rate present, and Julia's Theme shouldn't be used that way or people will become cynical about it, but I do see that this is a big moment for some fans and they probably deserved that moment. I just wish they could go back and redo the Bradley funeral one that came out of nowhere and then burst my eardrum.

We said that at the same time.

I guess at least there was no burying Christian alive as a sign of "Greek tragedy".

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I don't mind Christian and Syed getting Julia's Theme. I may not like them, but they have had an important romance and are quite popular so good on EastEnders for going all out.

The one line that I liked hearing Syed say was, "I'm gay and a muslim. And I don't think that you can go to hell for having loved." It was corny, but very poignant after all the torment about his religious beliefs. I hope that Syed finds genuine peace about his faith and his sexuality.

Did you see the spoiler about

I also liked Shirley confronting Phil about his potential to relapse. I could do without drunk Phil.

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I just finished watching today's episode:

I thought the Phil, Ian, Shirley, and Peggy stuff was very strong. Phil is realizing more and more how he's the reason why Ben is in prison and how his parenting skills leave a lot to be desired.

The Phil and Shirley conversation was very strong in particular.

It also seems like this episode was a set up for Phil's upcoming crack addiction story. He symbolically brought all his liquor to the Vic, which may mean he's trading in one addiction (alcohol) for another (crack). That's the way it often happens in real life.

I'm glad Ronnie told Jack about Owen fathering the baby she lost. Ronnie and Jack have been a lot more bearable since they've gotten together again, there seems to be a more human quality to their relationship these days.

I felt sorry for Ronnie when she told Stacey "You've got to let it go!" and Stacey replied angrily "Like you did?!?" Samantha Womack's facial expression said so much in that scene, they didn't even have to emotion Danielle, because we knew what they meant.

Now, on for the crap that is Christian and Syed. These two are unbearable and smug like hell. Their whole relationship is based on nothing, there is no substance there and I felt nothing as they walked off together. Marc Elliott looked uncomfortable like hell in those scenes where he had to touch Christian's face. I feel no love between these two, but whatever, at least their games are over for now and they're together. This is better than another year of "will they or won't they."

I know they're popular and a lot of people wanted them together, but I can't believe those two imbeciles got Julia' Theme and poor Pauline never got it when she died or at her funeral. <_<

Next week looks good with Denise's funeral and the reveal about Ronnie being raped by Archie.

Oh, this episode also set up well the stuff for Ronnie next week, especially those scenes with Peggy at the Vic. You could sense a storm was coming between them...

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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A few pics of Barbara Windsor's last day on set and some words from a few castmembers. :(

I'm really going to miss her when she leaves, Peggy has in some way become the quintessential matriarchal figure of the show and Barbara has always been the show's biggest supporter from the cast.


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To be honest I kind of feel like Peggy's been slightly out of place on the show for a number of years now, probably ever since Frank left, and they've struggled with what to do with her (although the Archie stuff generally worked), but I will miss her. Barbara Windsor has such strong presence, when she's given the chance, she can stop a scene dead. I've also enjoyed seeing her more involved in Ben's story and moved away from the comedy with Pat and the "am I going to lose the Vic...again" stories. I wish Kirkwood had had more of a chance to come up with something for Peggy. Lately she seems more like the Peggy I remember from when I was watching in the mid 90s.

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Yeah, I think Kirkwood has really understood Peggy from the episodes she's appeared in during his very brief tenure so far, like the scenes with Phil and Ben yesterday in the car. Peggy felt a lot like her very tough, yet very vulnerable way in those scenes. That's the Peggy I will always remember.

Kirkwood said Peggy's exit was the first story he really got to sink his teeth into and he was really glad to work with her in her final months on the show. I now kind of wish Barbara had decided to stick around for another year or so more to see what he could have done with her.

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After watching the whole episode, I couldn't help wondering if the show is just not that interested in "Chryed" -- compared to the rest of the episode the scenes had a real hurry up and go away nature to them. Their reunion was very abrupt and there was no indication as to why Syed should be in this very volatile relationship just because he has decided to accept being gay. If anything this type of relationship drives gays and lesbians back into questioning themselves, because it's so toxic.

If Christian is opening a gym, why did he use a photo of himself in a heavy shirt that he wore when he was less muscular?

Everything with Phil quietly melting down (which is much more frightening than more comic relief boozing) and especially his rampage at the car and his near-fight with Ian was just great drama all around. Wonderful acting from everyone. I'm glad they are letting us see the effect on everyone. I also like the way they are building up to Ronnie's abuse haunting her. The scene with Stacey and the scene where she snapped at Peggy both summed this up so well.

My favorite scene in the episode was when Jane was so proud of Lucy for her popularity and for her grades, and once again, EVERYONE in the family BUT Jane knew the truth. They didn't mention the abortion lie, but they didn't have to. It was just such a sad little moment.

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Christian and Syed got Julia's Theme so I think that EE was interested in giving them a nice send off to the next chapter of their lives, but it was setting up other stories in this episodes.

I don't think that the show views Christian and Syed's relationship as volatile outside of the deception and self-loathing. I'm not sure that I do either. It wasn't like they were fighting over random things. Their problems were centered around the lying and deceit. I'm not impressed by them, but I want to see what they are like as a proper couple before making a final judgment. I want to see if there is really love there from Syed to Christian.

The spoiler about the\ gym might have been wrong because Christian is advertising to be a personal trainer.

Ian knows that Lucy cheated on her exams? I don't have a lot of sympathy for Jane. .

I'm not and have never been a Peggy fan. I'm not going to miss her.

So Phil is going to be a crack addict? I didn't know this. He is such an idiot.

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I've been cutoff from EastEnders since right after Heather gave birth. I'm about to start trying to catch up -- is it worth watching from that point up to present or should I skip over some stuff? I know that a lot has happened since then. Thanks.

Edited by KSlater
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That's quite a daunting task to try to get caught up in all that's happened since. I think you're best starting off with the June 2010 episodes, since it informs what's happening now. You can read Wiki to catch up with what's happened before. If you want to start off with a "big" episode, I might suggest the June 23rd hour-long episode where Stacey gives birth. The Lucas storyline is very frontburner at the moment and will be until the end of the month. It seems like the show will begin transitioning to newer stuff in August. You could also start there if you wish.

Is the K in your user-name for Kat? :) How do you feel about her and Alfie coming back in September?

I wonder how the re-design will look, or if it will be the same design as before.

That's nice that they had a BBQ for Barbara's last day..

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Last month Ian caught Lucy on CCTV after she stole money from the cafe. She told him it was to help cheat on her exams (she didn't mention Adam). He told her fine, but tell him first.

I don't have a ton of sympathy for Jane in other areas like the baby rabies but I do feel sorry for her at moments like this because her family now, by default, keeps her in the dark about more and more stuff.

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