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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Thanks fo the picture, nice to see all of the cast from 2001 together. Is it the whole cast? Just I'm surprised there were only 26 regulars :o That's not much more than Neighbours!

I'm worried now that Kirkwood's going that the new EP may cut short the Ben story. I really want this story to go on until at least Christmas (I'm guessing that's when Ben will be sent to jail) although if they want to stretch it out longer I'm happy with that so long as Ben can stay in the show. I know his end is going to come soon though because soap villains never stay very long, especially once killing someone :(

I may not have agreed with the majority of Kirkwood's stuff, but he's done wonders for Janine, Dot and in particular, Ben.

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I don't think it's the entire 2001 cast, and some people are missing. For example, Jim is there, but Robbie and Sonia aren't, and they were on the show at the time.

As for Ben, who knows, the Mitchell's are invincible. Kirkwood mentioned on the Revealed special that this is the start of a "long journey" for him. Who knows if that will change now.

Though, they went out of their way to say that Bed is now 16 and could be tried as an adult...

What would Kathy think of this? Oh wait, we won't know. dry.png

On the topic of Kathy, I was pleasantly surprised when Heather's death got Dot to remember Donna, and how she took her in and how she died in Dot's living room.

I'm glad we're getting Dot and Patrick's reaction to Heather's death. They both loved her. It would have been too easy to focus the whole thing solely on Shirley.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Would you like Ben to stay long-term, Y&RWorldTurner. I think, in contrast to someone like Janine who literally got away with murder (well, eventually) Ben probably doesn't stand as much a chance of staying since he lacks the support and fanbase Janine has/had. I think it's important to portray Ben as getting his comeuppance in some way but, as in real life, criminals don't always get justice and in some cases, it can take years for them to be revealed as killers etc so I would be very pleased if the writers decided to give him his comeuppance in say, a few years. I really love Joshua in the role and I just feel he's too well-crafted a character to leave.

I suggested the idea to my friend that Ben gets away with it in the time being (i.e. goes to prison in a few years) and she said she thinks viewers would just get p*ssed off that Ben would walk free for now. I mentioned to her that Joshua/Ben has had an extremely poor reception among viewers (well in part, the viewership seems to be divivded into complete haters and devoted supporters like me) and she said that she thinks Ben is only hated becauseof his looks, i.e. not being conventionally good-looking. I think she has a point there because I know Josh isn't the best of actors, but he is certainly better than Charlie Jones and I think he's a lot better than some. Also, in terms of looks, I think he is a perfect match to be Phil's son. Apparently Daniella Westbrook was chosen for the role of Sam based on the fact that she had a round face like her screen brothers and I think that's why Josh's casting is great because he is similar facially, too.

Ultimately I would like Ben to fall in love and for that love to be reciprocated. I'm guessing that, for now at least, the writers may be shying away from this due to Ben's and Josh's age, but it would make fantastic viewing to see him be redeemed and at the end of the day, I think all Ben wants and needs is to be loved. If he did fall in love, we could then see his whole life crash before his eyes in a year or two if the writers decide to out him as Heather's murderer.

Sorry for the rant, I just love Ben and had to share my thoughts with fellow EE fans. :)

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I think if they decide to let him get away with murder, he'll get his comeuppance (if Joshua decides to leave or they write the character off) in the same way Janine did - by being imprisoned for something he didn't do.

If they put effort into it, it could be an interesting character study to watch Ben and the aftermath this has on his long-term development. Even Phil is disgusted by him, and Ben was joking about Heather and showing no remorse about what he had done to Heather hours after he killed her.

I really like the relationship that Ben has with Ian. They both genuinely care for one another and seem to bring out the best in each other.

Ben was so shocked to find out it was Ian who ratted him out to the police regarding Phil's imprisonment for Stella's murder. I wonder if Ben would have been as mad at Ian as he was a Heather, who he thought had done the deed.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Alex Ferns and Samantha Womack, who are both starring in South Pacific together, were on This Morning last week.

Ferns says he regrets playing Trevor. I could also tell Womack was happy to not be playing Ronnie anymore, not that I blame her...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Qlids5pwPZQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Thanks for posting the clip. Very interesting that Sam doesn't regret her time at EE but Alex does. I wouldn't have thought that Alex had been in the role long enough to have become typecast, had he? I'm sure he was only there for 2 years at the very most!

I've been watching clips of Ben on YouTube and it appears he has played quite a big role in the show since January (whe n I gave up thanks to Derek Branning) Should I go back and watch his scenes, Y&RWorldTurner, or is there no point? I don't want to miss any of his important stuff if he's been a big part of the show, especially if he'll be gone in a few months :(

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The thing is Trevor was such a vile character that was in one of the show's most popular stories ever that Ferns played very well. I can see how hard it would be to shake that image when trying out for other roles.

I haven't had time to watch most of Jan or Feb. I say just continue on watching from now until Ben's demise (if there is one).

There probably is a point though, since Ben framing Phil for Stella's death is a main catalyst for this current storyline.

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That's true, there are quite a lot of memorable scenes involving Trevor and Little Mo. Didn't she whack him round the face with an iron? biggrin.png

Thanks for the advice. Damn Derek Branning forcing me to quite the show just when one of my favourite characters got some brilliant material. I only just watched the following scenes and I am extremely impressed. Joshua is magnificent and I just continue to love Ben more and more.

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Edited by Edward Skylover
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I haven't watched any of this lately but I'm glad to hear they mentioned Donna. I always wonder if any of those who went on and on about Ronnie/Danielle ever watched the Kathy/Donna story, which is one of the most emotionally devastating stories ever on a soap opera. One Ronnie/Danielle fan did put up the Kathy/Donna story, and surprise surprise, it was taken down :(

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Harry Hill spent the last few years making fun of Heather (and she gave more than enough reason to do so). Random example.

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Now that Heather is no longer around to parody (and oddly enough Heather died around the time Harry's show was winding down), Harry invited Cheryl Ferguson on for a goodbye and a song.

Edited by CarlD2
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Thanks Carl. Cheryl looks really nice in that clip, it's a shame EastEnders always made her look so ridiculous. I'm really going to miss Heather, I wish she wasn't being killed off. Perhaps it would have been better had Heather gone into a coma for a few weeks and woke up. I'm not really sure why they got rid of her but I am guessing she was axed as opposed to it being her own choice...?

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She was fired.

I think it was the right decision, mostly because they had ignored so many opportunities to mature the character. When they weren't writing stories about how pathetic/fat/ugly she was, they just had no interest.

Linda Henry is such an underrated actress. I had chills when she was screaming about Heather.

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I much prefer the character of Heather to Shirley. Shirley's 'one-liners' got tired and predictable years ago. The writers try too too hard and literally force these into her dialogue to the point it made her character seem unbelievable.

I like the friendship between Heather and Shirley, though, most of the time. And the week in Southend was great and proved to me that Heather was a character worth keeping. I think if this was Coronation Street, they would have held on to her because they like to keep all their characters.

What's your opinion on the Ben storyline, Carl? Do you like the Ben character? Talking of Ben, where is Ben, as in forum member Ben? LOL

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