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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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HollyOaks looks like it's going to be really painful to get through next week. :(

I hope someone puts this Freshers thing on YouTube or something, Alex Carter is always can't miss. :wub: This show is SCREAMING for a natural presence like him.

Of course, my opinion is completely valid without any bias whatsoever. ;)

Edited by Amello
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For about half of that article I didn't know what to think as he said he didn't know what his story was, he didn't remember his first scenes, and he didn't seem to think much of them. I can't help wondering if Hollyoaks is just made up as it goes along at this point.

I wonder if they are going to make him a young Tony, which is what they were doing with Ste for a while.

Apparently Marquess has said they will be doing recaps -- they've already started them but I guess they might be permanent from now on? I don't know. I think recaps are so dull, and honestly, there is very little going on in the stories that would need a recap. The show is already losing so much of its identity or has lost it, why not just keep the silly intros. The recaps also look extremely drab.

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Finally watched yesterday's show:

For what was supposed to be a big event I was surprised at how dull the opening of Chez Chez was. I don't think it helps that you have two people who suck the life out of their scenes (Cheryl and Boring Brendan) at the center of the drama. The only memorable scenes involved Charlotte finally showing up again and convincing Heidi to throw her next party at the SU. Aside from that my interest was in figuring out just who Brendan reminds me of -- he has that same extremely offputting face that the Baldwin men get when they start bloating and bloviating. For a moment I thought he was Stephen Baldwin. Ugh.

Malachy and Lynsey have such a great chemistry together. I hope they leave town together. Preferably after Cheryl walks in on them having sex. Repeatedly.

I like Phina and she has good chemistry with Tony but I was confused at how Gabby is perfectly happy and charming all the time except when her husband is around, then she's terrified. I'd think she would be terrified most of the time, with the number he's done on her. The scene where he banged on the table and then stormed out was so clunky. I thought it was more interesting when he kept trying to belittle Tony.

Speaking of clunky, while Jem is improving as an actress, and her bond with Carl is becoming more believable, the dialogue is not as fortunate.

Carl: Want some sprouts?

Jem: I almost died from sprouts when I was traveling for three years because of you!

Carl: Give me a break! You're my daughter and I love you and miss you.

Jem: Give you a break? Like you broke my boyfriend's leg for looking at me the wrong way?

Carl: That was an accident. I swear! I will never do anything to hurt anyone else ever!

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Still don't understand the way they are handling this story with Gabby Sharpe, the flirting and ha ha stuff and us rarely seeing the moments where her husband is abusive to her. Phrina and Nick do have good chemistry together, I just don't know why this needed to involve a half-hearted domestic violence plotline with a husband we barely see. It's also kind of odd seeing Teresa as Cupid since they have that bad history together, but...oh well. Nick Pickard has a good chemistry with so many women he shares scenes with. He's a very underrated actor.

Don't really get the stuff with Heidi and Charlotte, how she could easily tell Charlotte was a lesbian (was Charlotte leering at her or something?) and then telling Charlotte that she needed to look at this gorgeous man and how could she be gay. Strange scenes, they were trying a bit too hard to be cute.

Glad the stuff with Ravi and Jem and Tricia Dingle is done. I'm sure Sheree Murphy is a better actress than this? The scenes where Jem found out about Ravi's night of adultery were cheesy soap (the old standby "Who told you?" "You did") but at least it's over. I'm not entirely sure why they started the relationship in the first place. Was that before Stephen Uppal told them he was quitting?

I did think the scenes with Steph and the boy who is dying of cancer were just right, very moving yet not sappy. He's a great character and Carley Stenson is at her best with him.

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I had almost forgotten Dave was still on the show. Man does he know how to wear a pair of jeans. I will miss him.

Is it me or is the stuff with the Sharpes just so contrived and overdramatic? I don't believe any of it. Andonis Anthony is so OTT and so is Phina Oruche in their scenes. The kids are also contrived, especially the daughter who naturally believes every word her father says. I think that Phina is much better in everyday scenes, like the flirting and talking with Tony and the friendship with Cindy which now seems likely to end. I wish they could have brought her in on her own.

Steph and Louis are great together. I think Louis has been a very effective way to tell the story about the ravages of cancer. I actually think the times we see him with Steph were more moving than the video, because I didn't like the music or the constant cutting away to Steph in tears (I did like the wheelchair races and the nurse). I'm glad they're having Louis work with her and just hang out with her.

The fashion show was much more fun than I had expected. A lot of character interaction and some surprising moments. I will say that I hope they are going to stop pretending Riley is 17, because he doesn't look 17 and I also don't believe that Heidi, if she is supposed to be any kind of mother, would parade her 17 year old down a runway in his underwear.

Everything with Anita/Tricia Dingle/Ravi is just a bit silly. I can't believe anything with Anita's mother.

I was surprised at how much they integrated Michaela into the episode, and also how they finally got rid of her old wig. If Hollie hadn't quit/been fired/rowed with the boss I wonder what plans they might have had for her. Apparently her exit is coming up on Monday's episode and was very fast and was also "art imitates life" type of writing.

Don't you think they're doing a much better job of hiding Stephanie Waring's pregnancy?

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Thanks. I hope they work out better than the Costellos (just too many members of that family and I don't believe them as a family, Heidi as a mother, etc.) or the Sharpes (I like Gabby but not the abuse story, and the kids are pointless). The baby rabies story has been done so much though.

Isn't that a pretty common term to use when any show or play ends?

BTW, did you see Michaela's exit? What did you think? I haven't watched the episode yet.

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Finally watched Monday's episode.

Thought the reveal with Gabby, Cindy, and Tony was flat. The kids have trouble saying lines and yet they were given so much dialogue. Nothing seemed to happen in the scenes. I'm not even sure why they had Cindy find out if the most that will come out of it is Amber Sharpe trying to get Cindy and Tony back together.

The stuff with the Costellos was better, but Seth is a terrible actor. He should be written out ASAP, I don't see the point of the character anyway, nor of Riley. It's incredibly tacky that he would take up for a woman he barely knows over his betrayed mother just because he wants to have sex with her. The actor who plays Riley seems to have no subtlety. I think it was an interesting writing choice to have Heidi force herself to forgive Mitzeee and Carl, and seems to be setting up the likelihood that they will sleep together again or Mitzeee will make it look like they will. Paul Opacac didn't do the greatest job in the reveal scenes, I must say. I kept thinking that if you put a blonde wig on him he looks like Heidi. Even though the girl who plays Jem isn't a great actress I did buy her anger and her bitter attempts to warn Heidi away from Carl -- she has some presence. I hope Heidi doesn't keep wearing that awful purple lip gloss.

My favorite scenes in the episode were Myra's drunkenness. I know that was just supposed to be filler but Nicole Barber Lane was hilarious. As for Michaela's last scenes, they weren't quite as fast as I was expecting, but still obviously tacked on at the last minute. I couldn't help noticing that when Michaela hugged Myra, her smile faded a bit. I wonder if they were saying she's not entirely happy to be leaving and might return, or if the actress just did that and the show kept it in because they didn't want to retake anything since they wanted her out the door.

Michaela was one of the best comic relief characters a soap has ever had. The crush on Mike Barnes. The gay jokes at John Paul. The fighting with the Deans after the McDean reveal. Yet she could also break your heart, like when she believed her father's lies and she let him into the McQueen home (he cleaned them out while she went to get some food), or when everyone believed she was on heroin. I think Bryan Kirkwood just "got" this character and she wasn't the same after he left as producer. It's a shame that she left with a black mark in professional reputation because that might make another show less likely to hire her. I hope everything works out for her. I will miss Michaela.

Amy and Michaela weren't there for Sasha either. A lot of the goodbyes have been very rushed and suggest Marquess has little interest in the show's history.

Edited by CarlD2
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Hollyoaks Freshers Promo and Sneak Peek:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcPZG1dtrhE?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcPZG1dtrhE?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcPZG1dtrhE?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD6fLN-cWcw?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD6fLN-cWcw?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD6fLN-cWcw?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

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