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Hollyoaks: Discussion Thread


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Thursday's show was so good. Newt is obviously a schizophrenic, and Eli is a figment of his mind that's controlling him.

Darren is stupid. He never thinks anything through. However, I guess he doesn't know that it was Kris' dad who died, with whom he had Jack switched identities with.

BTW, Jack is bankrupt and the only saw he can afford to pay off his debts is if he died and his life insurance can cover the costs. So, Darren convinced him to fake his death..

I like how's this is incorporated into Newt's schizophrenia, since the voice inside his head (Eli) is telling him to kill Jack.

This is going to crush Frankie and Steph when they come back.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I was totally fooled by the beginning of Thursday's episode! I was like, "Not another death!! Not Jack!"

I really liked the Jack/Darren scenes from Wed and Thursday.

Ahh....so that dude with Newt wasn't real. I wondering who he was. How/Why is Newt schizo? He was adopted by Jack and Frankie?

Speaking of Kris, I guess he's a cross dresser?

How did Jack become bankrupt and how did Darren get in debt with the loan sharks?

:( Darren or Jack better tell them the truth very quickly.

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A little too JER-ish for you, eh? ;):P

Newt is a foster kid that Jack and Frankie took in last fall, he's definitely had a troubled past.

Summary from Wikipedia regarding him being a schizo:

Well, kind of, he's a gay man who loves wearing female clothing. LOL!

Darren lost his half of The Dog (the pub/place where Jack, Frankie, and Darren lives) in a game of poker to Warren. In order to get Darren's half back, Jack took out a loan. However, this caused him to go into huge debt, which is only getting worse.

Darren had a gambling addiction that set the whole thing off earlier in the year. Jack and the rest of the Osborne/Dean family disowned him for a while, but eventually Jack forgave him. Jack suffered a heart attack initially when he learned how Darren lost his half of The Dog.

Darren's gambling problems got so bad that he started stealing Frankie's jewlerly to pay off his debts. Jack initially thought it was Newt who was the theif, so he kicked Newt out. He eventually invited Newt to come back, but since then "Eli" has been telling Newt that Jack wants to send him back into the foster care system and the only way to stop this is if he kills Jack.

Darren is trying to cover his own ass, most of this is his fault. LOL!

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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EastEnders is pretty good right now as well, and Coronation Street is also getting better at the moment.

You might like Emmerdale, I think out of all the UK soaps, it's probably closer to American daytime soaps, as it can be sleezy and trashy at times. I personally can't stand the show though. :lol:

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Last Friday and Monday's episodes were AMAZING! Wow, Newt is going crazy by blaming himself for Jack's death, and it's nice to see sympathetic side of Darren, even if he's concealing a lie. This whole thing is really screwing him up, and it's nice to feel for him, since he's an otherwise unsympathetic character.

The family drama invovled in all of this is outstanding, and Ashley Taylor Dawson (Darren) is really acting his ass off, this is probably the best acting I've ever seen him do.

When is Craig's return, Anita? It's just weird that they haven't mentioned him, as he's Frankie's son, Steph's brother, and was close to Jack and Darren.

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He suppose to be back end of August beginning September. I cant wait. From what James Sutton states its a lot of drama coming and he is really proud of it. Guy Burnet who play JP is doing a back stage video tomarrow so hopely we get some spolier. He will be filming with Steph, JP and Naill.

I just saw the baby shower by the Mcqueens talk about classic. I was laughing so much. They truely are a crazy family. I felt so bad for the girl who had the baby and BAM Ross walks in to get Mercedes their divorce papers. It was classic.

I feel for Newt as well and he is coming into his own as well. Boy Jack and Darren are going to see hell when this scam comes out. Frankie is going to kill them.

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WOW, Friday's episode was great. I LOVE that Amy's finally left Ste, after he beat her up AGAIN. It's sad that she has yet another baby on the way though, that's the last thing she needs in her life right now. I love how Tina is consoling her though. There was such a theme of parenthood in this episode. Like Amy raising Leah in an abusive relationship and being pregnant, Tina regretting giving Max to Jacqui and Tony, and Kris' bad relationship with his own father. That's why I love Hollyoaks so much, no matter how different everything is, there's always so sort of unifying factor going on somehow.

I've seen Monday's episode too and its even better. :)

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Yeah, that was fun to watch. I love the McQueens! And Nial was there too! lol

So why are Ross/Mercedes getting a divorce?

I feel so bad for Newt. :(

This past week was the first time I saw Amy/Ste and I'm glad Amy left that abusive psycho. So are both kids Ste's?

Oh man, I wish Louise was on more! That girl is fine! :wub: And Zoe too! It was my first time seeing her. :wub: Also there was Jacqui in the boots/skirt combo this past week. :wub:

I can't get enough of the Hollyoaks women! :D

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A summary from Wikipedia. ;)

Oh, and Mercedes doesn't know that Russ is actually little Max's father through the one night stand he had with Tina. I'd love to see how she reacts to Tina and Jacqui when she finds out. :lol:

Leah isn't, but Ste doesn't know. Amy has been trying to pass Leah off as his kid for a long time now. The kid Amy is expecting is Ste's kid though.

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Off topic, but one of my favourite Clare scenes is posted on youtube. When OB confront her and slams her into the wall. :lol:

This was the set-up for the Who Pushed Clare mystery. Clare mentions "two for the price of one" as the night Mel and Sophie died. The night they died, Mel was going to expose Clare for the liar and cheater she was (Mel found out that Clare was sleeping with Warren and her illegal activities I think) and was going to tell Max about it. OB already knew and he never liked Clare from the start. Mel and Clare hated one another from the start too, and Mel was battling alcoholism, which made many not believe her claims towards Clare. The irony is by the night that Mel died (along with twin sister, Sophie), she had finally won her battle against alcoholism. Sophie and Mel were close with Max and OB.

Anyway, Justin, who is the brother of Mel and Sophie, overheard this confrontation between OB and Clare and pushed her, which was later revealed. It was a good umbrella story/mystery.

Oh, and by this time Clare had gotten Social Services to take Tom away from Max.

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