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Daytime Actors Who Most Deserve to Be Unemployed

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This list just proves that Passions fans have VERY questionable tastes. Oh - and Natalia IS unemployed as an actress. Did you put her on the list cause you think she deserves to be fired from Starbucks or wherever she's working at?

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Sorry, but lately I have been attacked for my opinions. I cant post anymore without someone coming down on me. I dont mean disagreeing. I mean being vicious and calling me out. So sorry if I offended you.

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The reality is that a lot of these actors are either in the wrong role, a badly written one, the wrong medium, OR yes, they just plain suck. For instance, I don't think Thad Luckinbell is a bad actor at all. The role is just very underwritten and stagnant. I can see him hitting it off in a primetime series. Then there is Vincent Irizzary who was placed in a bad role from the start.

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Anyone that ever saw jed Allan on Days as Don Craig esp. during the interrogation of Deidre Hall on the witness stand when he learned she was raped or when his son died - knows that he has just been miscast many times. he is a great actor.

As MTS Rocks said many of these actors are good actors and the right role or the right show can bring it out in them.

Austin Peck is a perfect example. Who knew the guy could really act. And many others have been the same way.

Robin Strasser is a great actress but she stunk to high heaven when she was on AMC - the role just was not her.

Kim Zimmer I think is good at times as Reva but on The Doctors she hit it out of the ballpark everyday. It was a different type of character.

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Maybe if those who actually see the fighting going on reported some posts, the moderators would step in. None of us has the time to read every single thread. That's what the report feature is for, to bring issues to our attention.

If moderators or admins aren't reading a thread, how will they know of a problem if no one tells them about?

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Precisely. I also heard that Elizabeth Hubbard was excellent on 'The Doctors,' much more subtle than Lucinda Walsh.

Then, there are those actors who just excel in every given role. Paging Scott Banning, Alan-Michael Spaulding, Matt Clarke, Whip, and Ric Lansing (the awesome Rick Hearst!)

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Poor writing is to blame a lot of the time, but the hallmark of good and more specifically great actors is to be able to deliver solid, quality performances independent of the quality of writing.

The reason Ronn Moss and Drake Hogestyn "set the standard" is because they have been continually employed in their roles for approximately TWO decades and have not improved one bit in their acting, yet also manage to command large followings.

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