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Days: Week Of July 7 2008

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Yeah, I find it really solid at the moment. Pretty much all the cast interactions have me interested.

I'm just surprised that this thread is so sparse at the moment. I guess it's early in the week yet.

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Today was the suckiest suckfest that ever sucked. Well, not quite, but damn, there was like 10 minutes of actual show. The rest was UNBELIEVABLY LONG flashbacks, a dumb fantasy, elevator sex that already happened yesterday (complete with the same old sexy sax music to let us know that trite sex is incoming), and Max and Steph going through the same conversation they've had for three weeks, more or less. If I didn't know any better, I'd say JERk was back.

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I couldn't not agree more. I'm so tired of see that Max/Steph/Trent flashback and it was really long too.

I like EJ/Nicole but why let them have sex so quickly? Same with Lucas/Chloe. There's no emotional investment at all with those couples. In soaps, you're suppose to build up to the first kiss......and you build up to their first time having sex - if you want to put them together long term.

DAYS sucks is some people don't want to talk about is my guess. ;) I think more people will want to discuss the show when Dena Higley is fired. B)

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todays episode was weak, but i LOVE that Nicole/EJ & Chloe/Lucas both had sex. Sami has dangled these men along for over a year now, keeping them both, never letting them go all the way. Now they have both started to move on she cant stand it. I think thats great.

I dont mind that it happened fast either, with Days the faster the better to be honest after all these years of coma inducing slow paces.

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I'd love to see Sami with someone new, or *gasp* single for a good, long time. Free up Lucas to be the strong character he needs to be and... well, I don't really care too much about EJ.

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I hear ya. Not her biggest fan, but I have enjoyed some recent episodes. I think it helps that I find James Scott hot because he's on a lot. :lol:

And CO-SIGN on that so-called sessy sax music. I've still got it in my head and it is giving me a migraine. But hey, at least this is a soap where people get laid for the pleasure of getting laid. As opposed to the violence, "whore" name-calling and borderline date rape I'm seeing on other shows.

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Agree. Those long flashbacks serve one purpose for me: It takes a lot less time to watch the show. Did anyone notice when Roman came into the pub he called Max baby brother and Stephanie called Roman Uncle Roman? Brother. I thought the purpose of Max finding his long lost real father was to distance him and Stephanie from being "related." The writers should make up their minds. Regarding EJ & Nicole - I could get invested in them as a couple, but certainly not Lucas and Chloe. And it isn't that I don't want to see Lucas with any one other than Sami, just not Chloe. Toups, do you think that Higley actually might get fired?

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There was another one today! It last 2 minutes. Ugh.

Yup, I noticed it. Steph/Max is one of the worst pairings ever on this show.

It's just hard to invest in them because things are happening so fast. Like today, Chloe already told Philip she slept with Lucas? Um okay, no build up to that coming out? What's the point the them sleeping together anyway? It would've been better if Chloe/Philip were a couple then Chloe cheated on Philip. At least that way, there's some family drama. Now to EJ/Nicole, are they even a couple? It's hard to tell. Now, Trent is threatning Nicole to not see EJ anymore? Wouldn't it have been better if EJ/Nicole were in love or at least together for a while and then have Trent arrive to threaten her relationship.

It just feels like Dena doesn't having any planned long term. Things are just randomly happening that will affect the story for the next couple of weeks and that's it. What's happening now won't affect anything that will happen say November.

I hope so. ;)

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I'm enjoying DOOL a great deal. The flashbacks do not bother me that much and it's really not like Dena is the only writer to use them. Even St. Ron the Overrated uses flahsbacks on a regular basis.. Flashbacks may be overused, but they are overused by more than DOOL and Dena. They also aren't the worst thing that daytime does. I believe even JER had a dozen or so flashbacks per episode.

I like Nicole, Trent, Sami, EJ, NuJohn, well most all of the interactions. I am going to miss Ava a great deal and look forward to her return after she completes whatever she is doing.

I think the actor who plays Max is excellent. I'm not a fan of Max and Stephanie, however. Even bringing back his father doesn't change the incest factor. I can not imagine that he would even pay attention to her.

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On DAYS, they're 2-3 minutes long.

I love OLTL's quick flashbacks to imporant scenes.

Since Dena's writing 2-3 breakdowns a week along with her Co-HW and she's getting tired so he has to use flashbacks to fill up time.

OLTL's flashbacks are intentional and not meant to fill up time.

There's a big difference.

They're interactions without substance.

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I really enjoyed wednesday's show..Trent is a creep and i'm loving him tormenting Nicole..Looking forward to EJ possibly coming to her rescue when he pieces everything together...But Trent telling Nicole to break things off with EJ was a great twist..Also loved Caroline giving Trent a warning regarding Max..Its so nice seeing Caroline getting airtime during this Max story..and honestly, now that the genius stuff is behind us i'm really enjoying the Max/Trent storyline...

It was nice seeing Steve and Kayla today and i've missed them..Its a shame they are once again storyless....Seeing Lexie, Abe, and Theo was also nice...Glad we are finally getting to see Theo in this autism story..

Chloe blabbing to Phillip was a shocker..Can't believe she did that...What a bitch!!! But i loved it, as Phillip looked so pissed...This is totally going to push Morgan and Phillip together more..

My gripe about this episode was Morgan's long flashback..I sure hope this trend ends soon..

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