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ALL: How much longer will you endure?

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I have to say that with each day that passes I am more and more disgusted by soaps. Especially by the things that happened behind-the-scenes during and after the strike: scabbing, ghost consultants everywhere like mushrooms after the rain, EPs re-writing HWs and encouriging actirs/actresses to freely alter the scripts, people fired with no reason, terrible writers allowed to stay, talented ones being dumped in no time... It is all so appalling and the end is nowhere to be seen.

Perhaps all these things happened before the strike, but it all went to a whole new level when it began.

And the stories these "dramas" are telling at the moment... :rolleyes:

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Well, I haven't seen one B&B episode all summer long, and that's something I never thought I'd do with my #2 favorite soap. But I just can't handle it.

As for Y&R, I'm still watching, because there has been a surge in quality and excitement lately.... I think the show is good right now, but good compared to the crap the other shows give us, or, in other words, good in respects to how soaps are today. But Y&R was the one show that managed to stay unchanged by the "trends," but no more. The show still doesn't make me feverishly await the next episode, and sometimes I don't even tune in--compare that to 1997 episodes, which I devour and then re-watch and then re-watch and it's just sad.

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I'm down to one soap. Well, half a soap, because I only watch half of the time, if that, and that's my first soap Days of Our Lives. I used to watch DAYS, GL, Y&R, and B&B on a daily basis. Now I'll see bits of Y&R on Soapnet. I would see more of DAYS if Soapnet wouldn't eff up their nightly schedule so much, but I don't make the effort to tape it to watch later. Sad, but the interest is gone. But like others have said, I'll stick with DAYS until the end. That was my first soap love, and it always will be.

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Like some said... I don't endure through something I don't like. I used to DAYS, GH, Y&R, AMC, GL... I dropped all of them when I started to dislike most of the content they were showing. I was soapless for a while, but got back to Y&R this summer. I don't think I'll return to any other soap, though.

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Why watch a show when it's bad? I didn't feel like watching DH's "summer of love" (aka "summer of lust") crap on DOOL, so I just didn't watch this summer. I did catch some clips of the Film Noir episodes on YT though.

I have prevuze and spoilers and YT, so until the show improves, why watch it?

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Well. I barely watch GH or OLTL anymore. They have started to suck really bad.

AMC isn't far off but I love Tad and Greenlee and I'll continue to watch as long as both are on there.

Y&R is alright but it's a shell of it's old self. I watch when I can.

I've never cared for Days at all.

B&B as gone down the tubes. Plus, it's on the same time as AMC so I don't bother.

ATWT is alright at the moment. And, I choose to watch it at two nowdays rather than OLTL.

GL was getting better for a while and then it started to blow again. So, I don't even bother watching a three o' clock soap since GL and GH come on the same time in my area.

There's my take on it.

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Funny how a couple of months can change a guy's mind. I've decided that I'm almost done with B&B for ever (partly made due to nearly giving up on a couple of UK soaps; everything seems to be in mess right now). My interest in the show, and characters are fast burning out. It's no longer a pleasure to watch any more - "Demon Storm" was a chore to watch.

And I don't want B&B to go the same way as Days, where it passes the point of return. I caught some of the hospital lock down/Nicole's Noir fantasy, and thought it was all OK, just all a little to late, IMO. How do you muster up interest for a show, when it's been extinguished?

Interestingly, I might make Y&R a regular stop, if it improves. Unlike B&B, I was never a fully-fledge viewer - but always loved what I did see - but wanted to be. Plus it doesn't seem to be as far gone as B&B, so hopefully it'll improve A-SAP.

Do you actually like what you're watching? Or is it more out of routine? I ask, 'cause there seems to be a thread on each soap, detailing how bad they are at the moment, and how people are tuning out, yet here you are, watching 7 out of 8. That's pretty good.

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In terms of potential for life and worthwhile story, I still see potential for DAYS. They just need to steer clear away from death, impending death, presumed death, returns from death, etc. Because DAYS and "Death" are a huge joke! Other than that, it just takes some tweaking, some returns here, some write-offs of pointless characters there, and a focus on the right characters in the right story, and DAYS could still thrive... okay, survive, not thrive.

GL (my other big soap love) on the other hand, is well past the point of return. They'd basically have to revert back to some 6, 8, 10 years ago and completely reinvent its current self. Not that that idea is a bad one, it's just not something I see the network allowing for them. Instead it's a matter of "let's see what you can pull out with next to no budget and low-paid execs and writers." I just don't see any hope left for GL.

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