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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 9-13

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There are a few diffrent touring exhibits. There's the more famous one and a few lesser copycats. I've seen one of the lesser ones. The formaldehyde smell can be overpowering if you are sensitive to it.

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The slowness doesn't bother me. Actually liking Sarah today. Glad Jon Brotherton took his tics down a notch, but he still needs to try a little harder. Just a smidge would do it.

My cable was cutting in and out too. The storm started at about 2:05 and ended at about 2:55. Apparently Briaqn Frons cut a deal with Mother Nature to get me to watch GH instead. Was that scene near the end the first we saw of Marcie for today?

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Sam is too young to be completely scarred. It would have been better if she were taking Jack. Jack disturbs me somehow. He's a bit too Toddian at moments (depending on who the head writer is and who is cast in the role at the time). I vaguely recall him playing with cars or soldiers or something about the age of five and coming up with some pretty gruesome games.

I loved the Rex/Adrianna scenes today. I've been hearting on Adrianna since the Cramer Christmas episode where she and Blair crossed swords. She's developed so much depth as a character and although I couldn't stand the Adrianna that Rex fell in love with, I loved his "There she is! The Adrianna I fell in loved with." I don't want the Adrianna that Rex fell in love with (zzzzzzzzzzz) back, but can't she be integrated or something. Afterall it appears to have worked for Jessica. :P I honestly don't know why, but I loved the way she showed up at Marcie's door at the end of today, but the expression on her face leads me to think her next scenes with Marcie will be very good. Melissa Gallo Fumero has been spot on every step of the way in the past few months. Preview Spoiled

I thought Brotherton was verrah good today. His dialogue has sucked lately though. The words that keep coming out of his mouth. His emotion with Renee and Nigel particularly were great, but I didn't like the words. And I loved how he mouthed ILY to Natalie just before being led off in handcuffs.

I loved the convo with Natalie and Charlie, and that Charlie pointed out that Natalie is fiercely loyal. And yes Natalie was being hypocritical with Roxy, but she recognized it twice, when she said I shouldn't be pointing fingers. But as someone somewhere so eloquently pointed out, Natalie is paying for her mistake and she's going to have some explaining to do. That doesn't absolve Roxy from her mistake, or eliminate Natalie's loyalty and concern for Rex. And I loved that Natalie wisely pointed out to Roxy that the only way to make it right with Rex was to tell the truth, and if she's trying to protect him from who his real father is, she needs to come clean. I probably liked that the most because I really really want to know who Rex's father is. I adore Ilene Kristen and I hope we get some dramatic scenes for her from all of this. I hate that she's been reduced to comedic relief.

I thought Justis Bolding was very good today. Does she remind anyone else of Anne Heche? I don't like Sarah paired with Cris.

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