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Possibly brilliant soaps that never got made

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In 2004 Fox ordered scripts for an Eastenders-esque soap, called South Side. Set-in Chicago, it would've revolved around blue collar families. It would've been Primetime, and been very American. I think it was being developed by Simon Fuller's production company, 19 TV, and Tony Jordan, who were going to hire a team of US writers. But along the way, something happened, and it fell through.

That Days teen spin-off was going to be called, Salem High - How creative... Not!

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30 minute show, pitched in 1993

I got some (LOL - well, many complete years of) old SOD magazines and there was quite some reporting along with that Deidre Hall DAYS spin off "Manhattan Lives" or whatever it was supposed to be called. Eventually none of those two went into production.

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When DH returned to DAYS in the 90's, part of the deal she signed with NBC called for the development of MANHATTAN LIVES, a DAYS spinoff created by Gene Palumbo which would take Marlena to NYC to get mixed up with high class society.

Before that, back in the late 80's Corday pitched two other spinoffs....the first was CALLIOPE, a comedic soap in which Calliope Jones would return home to NYC and her wacky family. This show was to be 30 minutes and there was talk it would be launched at the same time as GENERATIONS, but the writers' strike derailed it all (Sheri Anderson was the creator). A few years later PACIFIC LIVES was proposed, to be set in Hawaii and focus on Dr. Tommy Horton and possibly Bo and Hope.

Doug Marland created THE SOUL SURVIVORS in the late 80's for CBS but there was no room in the schedule.

John Conboy really tried to push CASINO to ABC in the late 80's...set amidst the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas.

Back in the 90's USA network was heavy into pre-production of THE AVENUE, a nightly soap set in NYC said to resemble early RYAN's HOPE.

SCRUPLES actually was thisclose from going into actual production in 1984 when the new regime at NBC Daytime (led by Brian Frons) pulled the plug and instead gave the greenlight to SANTA BARBARA. Although I have never heard of litigation concerning SCRUPLES, considering that Pat Falken Smith was the creator/HW/EP, it's not hard to believe considering her penchant for filing lawsuits, especially against NBC!

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Days has had a few...

Manhatten Nights or something like that was Marlena NYC based spinoff that was in her contract when she came back.

Salem High (im sue that wasnt the name) was to star belle, shawn, chloe, pil, mimi, brady and somehow was going to have J&J on it. I have the article from SOD from years ago somewhere.

I know there were more brought up/discussed over the years but i cant recall any at the moment, tho for some reason i think one was for doug/julie

IDK if this was real or just gossip in the mags, im sure toups will, but i member talk of using all the dead people on the island for a short summer story.

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Some stuff I found:

  • Hell House (MTV): Francesca James as executive producer, starred Sandra Ferguson as the mother of one of the teenage characters. I heard it was supposed to be about a haunted sorority house. A pilot was actually developed, along with Spyder Games, then known as Spyder's Web. We know which one won that fight...

  • [untitled Lawyer Show] (NBC): A show produced by Stephen J. Cannell that revolved around lawyers in Chicago. NBC was choosing between Cannel's project - Union Place (then a Claire Labine project) - and Aaron Spelling-produced Sunset Beach. And if I remember correctly, Claire Labine's Brooklyn bible had been passed on three times: once when Loving was revamped into The City, then with NBC, and then when Labine revamped the project as Heart and Soul, as a Ned/Lois spinoff. I think Helen Gallagher (Maeve, Ryan's Hope) was set to play Lois's grandmother. I also heard on the boards that when NBC rejected the bible for Sunset, PGP was at one point interested as well.

  • Day by Day (ABC): According to Jonathan Reiner/TVGuide.com, a project that rumoured to be in development in 1999 to replace Port Charles that was a talk show/soap opera hybrid.
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Hell House & Spyder Web were actually suposed to air together after TRL for the after school generation. It would had been on from 4p-5p. But then they picked up only Spyder Games and paire it latenight with Undressed.

I have seen the pilot (err, parts of it) for Hell House. It was intersting.

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