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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 2-6

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I think calling Brotherton awful is taking it too far. The only scenes I cringed at with him were the charlie hospital scenes. Chris Stack needs to be given more credit. He walked into a damn tough situation, and from what I've seen on other boards, has really stepped up to the plate and is making Michael his own.

I really like Austin Williams. But, you're entitled to your opinion. I think he's doing a terrific job. Jason Tam has been doing well, and I'd love to see Markko and Langston with more stuff.

Then again, I think our tastes are entirely different, although I would have to agree with you about the women. We don't like a lot of the same things on Days, either. :P

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I was going to say that, but I'd already discussed my Jessica loathing so I thought maybe my bias was showing. Not that I agree that Bree was bad, but in my opinion, MA's acting choices provided the balance that was necessary to keep Bree's OTT from being almost cartoonish. Some people say you're only as good as your partner, and that was Bree's opportunity to shine and MA as her partner in those scenes allowed her to do that while enhancing Bree's performance with her subtlety.

Bree Williamson was supposed to own that scene. I agree she was very good, but as I said, I think MA's performance set Bree's off perfectly.

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I love reading your posts, here and at TWOP. You don't like Jessica, but you always try to be objective, and you never slam Bree Williamson unnecessarily.

It's great to have difference of opinion, and I always respect people who can share their opinions without senseless bashing or making others feel that they are wrong.

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I think Bree is a very effective actress, however I think the situation needed to be built up and given time for it to be completely effective. That clip was just like a spasm of reflexes without any coordination or control. No real guidence especially after Jessica stated that Natalie did it all for sex after that comment it was all about screaming, yelling, jumping and hand jabbing, ect. I think that her scenes could have been executed much better and created a better product or result then what was given especially if they allowed the scene more time and gave the performers room to flex.

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Thank you so much for saying that! You don't know how much I appreciate your kind words. I do try to be objective, but I love the character of Natalie so at times I have to step back and recognize that many opinions I have are shaded by that affection. To lesser degrees I am the same way about Blair, Lindsay, Dorian, and lately Adrianna. I like to think that I also recognize at all times that the performers are not their characters, and I would never slam Bree just because I don't like Jessica. In fact, I had a great conversation with her at a fan event during the Tess era, in which I told her how much I was enjoying Tess and her portrayal of that character. I said she seemed more invigorated by that role than I had ever seen her and it seemed to me that she was having a ball playing that role. She admitted that she was loving Tess and that playing Jess could be confining at times, in terms of the material she was given. Bree was a doll and like most of the performers I've been fortunate enough to meet, I could see that she works very hard to deliver the material she's given and entertain us. I could never be hateful about her. She's just showing up and doing her job.

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Just on this board? Or in general?

Since I am not a man -- you may own that title. But if we eliminate sexism -- I challenge you to a duel. LOL.

PS. For Scotty! We only have to get 58 posts in two hours to make him Happy! No pressure! But I think it calls for a game post, so I'll start.

Things I want Natalie to say to the citizens of Llanview.

#10 to Ghost Nash: "Happy Landings"

Somebody else come up with #9

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