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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 2-6

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Oh, I really like Justus Bolding! I don't actually find her to be that attractive, which makes me like her more. I think she plays, very well, the part of a young woman, confused about some things, sure about others (her interest in music), and genuinely wanting to be a part of and to be liked by this huge family she's in.

As for the male actors, well, they have a hard row to hoe being up against the likes of Slezak, Strasser, Smith, Hickland, DePaiva, Brier, Williamson, etc. Personally, I think Trevor St. John, Robert S. Woods, and Tuc Watkins are the best of the men on this show.

Of the ones JackPeyton listed as being bad, I mostly agree, with the strong exception of John-Paul Lavoisier. I think he's the one young actor on OLTL who is really solid, and I think he can act quite a wide range. When he learned the news about Charlie, he was very sad, but in a resigned way, and I totally felt it. Plus he can do sexy, romantic, rakish, and comedic quite well.

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JackPeyton did my banner! Thank you, I love it.

What is this about Cain? OMG, you have just spoiled something, but I am even more excited now!!!!!!! OMG!

And you know me: it's always about my ladies first:)

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I actually thought that clip was really bad.....Archer was much more effective as the guilt ridden sister then Bree was as the hooting and hollering griever. I wasn't moved at all by that clip. The director should have asked her to tone down her performance or something because it didn't look good there was just alot of jumping, yelling and hair acting. Bree has given better and more believable performances then that. One that comes straight to mind is when she talked to her molester in that hospital scene now that is a performance with depth, strength and an entire spectrum of emotions with underlying layers.

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WOW! I am totally respecting your opinion, but I could not disagree more! I think that Bree Williamson, delivering that verbal smackdown, was absolutely OVERCOME by emotion and raw acting talent. She didn't just deliver venom, she WAS venom. When she grabbed Natalie and practically dragged her out of the bedroom, I was almost scared :lol:

I do think, as many have said, that Melissa Archer totally stepped up and acted perfectly in this scene. She really looked terrified of Jessica, and guilt-ridden, as you say. But I think Bree owned the scene.

Then again, I think Bree Williamson pretty much owns the world after this week.

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Hell no, I didn't have a clue, you bad, bad boy!

All I can say is: Wow! And it ought to be very interesting, especially since AE and CC never worked together. Tina-Cain took place entirely during KW's run, and since she and CC had very believable chemistry, this will be interesting to say the least!

Now, please don't spoil anything else :P

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I feel like I am commenting on something that I am only seeing 30% of which is why I just wanted to put my two cents in on that clip. I feel that the entire scene was staged horriably especially when they had Jessica move Natalie out of the room, perhaps the room was too small and they had to improvise but I feel that the blocking was horrid. The two performers needed more room and the props detracted from both of them. They were much too confined and that alone limited their performances. They stayed stagnant in the same place (which isn't believable) they had Jessica stay in the exact same place through out her entire tirade which would have been much more affective if they only let her pace or walk around, they could have also made it more beliavable by having Archer move back or shrink into herself alittle during the arguement. I just feel the acting choices and the setting were especially wrong for the type of scene they wanted.

Moving on to the acting portion of it I feel that both actresses started strongly. Especially with Bree and Melissa both starting out in hushed tones and then gradually building up into the argument however when Bree moved onto the yelling portion of her performance I felt that was especially weak. Bree doesn't do well with over the top acting in my opinon especially when she has to go from 0-60 within seconds it looks, rushed, hurried and ugly when she does and she skips alot of progression that makes the performance realistic. I genuinely feel that she just skipped a good 3 steps from going to mildly upset to pissed off as hell.

Archer however was exceptional. Especially towards the last end of the scene where Jessica slams the door on her. You just see the pained expression and the tear that hurridly forming.

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