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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 2-6

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I appreciated it, too, Toups. If only because, it put an end to Brotherton's pathetic attempt at crying.

But how awesome was it to see Rex essentially tell Adriana she IS her mother's daughter? God, I wish Cassie were around. Just imagine the dynamics between those three women (Cassie, Adriana and Dorian).

Pretty good, ONE LIFE. For once, I wasn't bored.

ETA: And - oh, wow - Viki's mentioning Joe? When's the last time that happened, lol?

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Thanks, Scotty. I still wasn't watching the show back then, so I didn't know.

As a matter of fact, aside from an occasional storyline, I haven't watched OLTL on anything resembling a regular basis since 1992...but the events of this past week just might change that. ;)

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Wow, I have not seen anything but the last few minutes of I think Tuesday's episode, where Nash fell through the skylight and Clint choked Dorian, but this thread is TORTURING me because every episode sounds freaking AMAZING.

This is the kind of soap I've been hungry for for YEARS. Especially one that is consistently good across the canvas and utilizes ALL contract players. Balance AND quality storytelling AND regularly incorporated history? You can tell that the people producing the show LOVE the show, LOVE the cast, and LOVE the fans. This is the opposite of other shows trying to manipulate the fans or blatantly ignoring what the fans want.

Someone said it many pages ago in this thread... this is a great time to be a fan of OLTL.

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Yeah, he's not a very good dramatic actor. He has some of "bad acting traits" such as shaking/moving his head too much, looking away when speaking, too much eyebrow movement.

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You know, I never realized it until now that pretty much every single contract player is being used in some capacity right now, except for David Chisum as Miles Laurence. Most of the adults on recurring also have parts in current storylines. But at the same time, the show doesn't seem crowded at all. Everything blends together perfectly.

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Personally, I still can't get over his performance from yesterday, with all the weird gesticulations. It was BAD. Like, Erica-on-AMC-auditioning-to-play-herself-in-the-movie bad.

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