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Days: Week Of May 26

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Thanks, JP! :) I must say that after watching todays episode, things are looking a little intense here. Lucas and Sami had some great scenes today and Nicole was such a trip! A hoot and a half I tell ya! :lol: She had a lot of great one-liners!

Umm ... but I'm confused with the rape stuff. It seems to me that the writers are desperately wanting to whitewash this stuff. I know that some of you have your own opinions about that and that's fine, but I have mine and this doesn't make any sense to me after what Lucas said to Sami today.

John and Marlena were awesome and looking at Roman trying to handcuff John! LOL! I think he's scared of Jawn. LMAO! :lol:

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i personally dont feerl it was rape, but i thought they handled it well with the ejami talk two days in a row. esp when she brought up how she raped austin and he forgave her. i know it wont please everyone, but... whatever. it was a stupid plot point in order to get sami prego by another man without her coming off nas bad because hogan made her into a one layerd heroine instead of a multi layerd. there was no sami brady in 2007 - there was a Carrie Brady, IMHO. besides, Lucas really doest have a stand for me since he tried to murder her. so... i like all three char;s now that they have layers again and are acting like they should.

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Well, okay. I understand your point of view. Chloe and Nicole were so funny as usual. But, I also thought it was hilarious when Max came in and Nicole was behind the bar and he tells her not to steal any tip money. And Phillip made a crack comment about Pookie's teeth. Lots of great one-liners for sure! :)

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i *think* he is starting to question what happened because he relizes she has feelings for him and may have all along.

i still think its funny lucas doesnt understand how sami could like ej when he tried to murder her once upon a time.

loved her sighning the annulmet papers even tho she didnt want to.

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Hello. I have a question and I was wondering if you can help me. DAYS starts in Croatia in two weeks and I was wondering if anyone knows who was in the cast in 2001? :D It's probable Croatian television will start air DAYS from that year.

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Why is Nick being so friendly to Dan and calling him a genius? Dude, this is the guy who stole your girlfriend!!!!

Bo and Hope have no story.

Lucas/Sami/EJ is already tiring.

Can we please see more of EJ/Ava? Anything to get out of EJ/Sami.

John and Marlena are so boring. Nothing has happened with them in the last 5 months. So are Bo/Hope, and Steve/Kayla. They need all to break up.

There's absolutely NOTHING to look forward to on this show. There's no secrets, no potential huge revelations, nobody getting caught/exposted, no anticipation, no build up. There needs to be something happening now that makes us anticipate what's going to happen in the next few weeks/months.

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Everything is so choppy, it feels like Dena is intentionally pulling stuff out of her ass because there's nothing planned in terms of long-term storyline projections. Some find entertainment in her writing style, but I'm left confused by the episodes I watch these days.

Dena is doing a good job of making me hate these characters. I couldn't believe that Marlena would be the one defending EJ to Sami last week, talking about how much he's changed. HELLO, there's no reason for her to ever "like" him after all the stuff he and his family have done to her and her family...

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I'm really trying. I am. I watch every day, I try to enjoy stuff. I read the positive posts (and there are a lot of them) and try to focus on what I'm liking, but it's so few and far between, I quickly forget about "that one line of dialogue that was pretty good".

I just don't get it. I don't. There was nothing polarizing about Dena in 2003... nothing polarizing about Dena at OLTL... yet now, fans are split down the middle. I'm baffled. I feel like there's something huge that will fall into place if I just hang in there and keep watching. But it's not. It just feels empty and shallow.

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Well cheer up then because Marlena is going to be a total bitch to EJ tomorrow giving him a tongue-lashing about wanting to come between Lucas and Sami... at the same time EJ has taken on the case to try to free her beloved John.

Marlena just makes no sense right now.

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Here's what CRACKS ME UP: there are NO MORE breakdown writers. So we can't even blame it on the writers not talking to each other, like we used to. It's just Dena and Victor not remembering what they do from day to day!!

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