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OLTL: Discussion for the week May 12-16

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Yeah, they were. They kissed and then called each other a freak. It was a good Langston/Markko day. :)

There's so many fun pairings to watch right now: Antonio/Talia, Cris/Sarah, Markko/Langston, Cole/Starr, Jared/Natalie, Charlie/Vicki, Rex/Gigi.

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Another strong day, although I'm seriously ready for this wedding to begin!

Langston and Markko are adorable, but does anyone else look at the actors and think "Now if THEY were Cole and Starr..." Maybe it's just me.

LOVED LOVED LOVED Todd and Blair having it out in the middle of the amusement park. Blair's "GROW UP!" was so simplistic, but so well-timed, and made me practically cheer out loud for her. It's so nice watching the Mannings implode from the INSIDE as opposed to OUTSIDE influences (like Spencer or Margaret).

I'm still not totally sold on Rex and Gigi (I know, I know... you'll have to drag me kicking and screaming). But I love the story, and can't wait to see it play out. And they're forgiven because OLTL has managed to do the impossible - make me LIKE Antonio again. I love him and Talia together, and thought the scenes at Layla and Sarah's were just adorable. Oh my God, young people acting YOUNG! What a novel concept!!

LOVED Rex and Adriana at the end. So many layers, and so tortured. It was fantastic.

Man, do we have to wait for Friday for the wedding?! ARGH! IT'S KILLING ME!!!! (And I'm so loving it)

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Rex and Gigi :wub:

Part of me is sad that Melissa Fumero is leaving because making Adriana a bitch was the best thing they could do for the character and the actress. She plays the bitch role very very well. I never could believe she was Dorian Lord's daughter, but recently, I can accept it. But it's too late. :(

Todd and Blair were on fire today. Their constant fighting back and forth, neither able to one-up the other, that's what makes this couple who they are. You didn't have Todd backing down to Blair. You didn't have Blair backing down to Todd. They were clashing and neither would give up. I loved it. And throwing John in there to just watch, not saying much (how I like him) was even better. Thank you, Ron, for reuniting Blair with her backbone.

Cristian and Sarah are beyond cute. While I would love for Ron to pair Cristian and Jessica together, I can't say that I wouldn't be disappointed to lose Cris and Sarah as a couple. Two characters that were a complete bore last year, put them together, and it's magic.

Am I the only one that wouldn't be disappointed if all we saw was Antonio and Talia getting it on and that's it? :lol:

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Awesome episode today. I echo the Langston/Markko love. They're such a lovely contrast to Cole and Starr. While Cole and Starr are the stereotypical TV teen couple, swearing on their undying love, blah blah blah, Langston and Markko are several notches ahead of them in maturity. I'm glad we got them one-on-one today, too. Too much we see them strictly as Cole and Starr's sidekicks, it's easy to forget that they are two young adults who are very in to each other. The ending with them was the type of sweetness, cuteness that I love with couples their age. And kudos to Langston for realizing that the fairy tale of a teenage girl having a kid is NOT AT ALL what it seems to be. Dorian is right when she sings the girl's praises.

Antonio and Talia...OHMUHFUGGINGAWD! I got tired easily with their whole scheme to get Ramsey, but they SIZZLE whenever they do it. I liked them back around Thanksgiving/Christmas, so I still hold out hope that they can be a great couple beyond the bedroom. But seriously, that was some hot love-making! Can I PLEASE give Antonio's thigh a quick squeeze? He is foine.

Kassie DePaiva is finally showing me why people think she's an amazing actress. In my relatively brief years of watching soaps (seven), I've never really seen her do a tour de force performance, but damn, she's been hitting it out of the park constantly lately. I'm so glad Blair is through defending Todd and all of his [!@#$%^&*]. That smug bastard is irking my nerves in all types of ways. Bat-[!@#$%^&*] Blair is also hilarious, especially the whole thing about her and Todd having separate rooms and then making sure John's room would be in between them. Glad she could see that Todd probably planned on doling out some dick in order to make her get back on his side.

Adriana is taking paranoid to all new levels. She's going to ruin her own wedding if all she can do is sit around hoping her fiance isn't out there messing around with his ex. The thing that makes it worse is that she knows that Shane is Rex's son, so even if Rex wasn't interested in Gigi again, it'd be hard for him to still want Adriana after knowing that she's been keeping this horrible secret. Honestly, I predict rough waters ahead for our Sexy Rexy. Finding out he has a son...okay, that might not be too bad, but putting the truth about his own parentage out there...it just might drive him over the edge. And then he's running around town a drunken mess, so if he's liking the bottle a bit too much, that might be a problem as well... Slap to Adriana too for her little comment about Gigi, Rex, and "blowing." Layla is a pathetic shrew and needs to find a life outside of Adriana. Where the hell is Vincent?

The show is wonderful and I'm enjoying it daily. Good job, PTB!

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That's exactly how I feel! I think Brittany would make an awesome Starr and the kid playing Markko can act Brandon Buddy under the table. But since Lang is a Cramer now, there's much more to come for her and Markko, thank goodness.

I also felt like that scene when Rex came home and found Adriana there was so perfect-- completely uncomfortable for both characters. I loved it! So well-written and so well-acted. The depth of their scenes were amazing! This show is batting a 1000 right now!

Sorry if the positivity is annoying some people, but I just can't stop raving about this show. I CAN NOT WAIT for this wedding!

Someone might want to switch this show to a daily thread; we've got 5 pages and it's just Tuesday! LOL

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Os the "kid" playign Marco still starring in Chorus Line at the same time? That always amazes me...

Anyway great episode but back to my stupid gripe about the titles... Does Ron Carlivati knwo that his latest lame pun, A Lyin' in Winter makes even less sense since it's NOT Winter?

*edit* OK it's named for the character.. *blush*. STILLLLLLL LAME.

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WOW this episode tugged at my heart especially with the final music montage.

I really felt bad for both Gigi and Adriana today. Gigi loves Rex but does not want to ruin the life he has and Adriana is trying to hold on to what she has left with Rex. Gigi crying into Rex's old uniform while Brody watching was heartbreaking.

Blair and Todd's argument was so real, loved every minute of it up to choosing seperate rooms.

I am not 100% vested in Antonio/Talia but their scenes today were Caliente!

I cannot believe I actually enjoyed the Cristian and Sarah scenes, that is a first!

The production of today's eppy really reminded me of a PrimeTime show.

Loved every minute of today and look forward to tomorrow!

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Loved it from beginning to end. This show is truly filled with couples you can and want to root for.

Rex and Gigi constantly being interrupted made me want to scream--but in a good way. Build up, yes, it has NOT been forgotten!

Rex couldn't get it up. LOL. It makes sense in SO many ways.

Todd/Blair fighting. Perfect.

Talia/Antonio having sex. HAWT.

Oh God this wedding is going to be EXPLOOOOOOOOOSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait, I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen?

Btw, was Christian the one who got the note that Talia dropped, or is it still hanging there? Just to make sure.

Langston and Markko are so cute.

And I feel sorry for Adrianna. When I don't hate the bitch. But in a good way. :lol:

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I have to say that I really enjoy what they're doing with the character of Markko. In the hands of a lesser writer, this could have unbelievably easily become a character that the audience had no use or care for at all. But, RC's done a great service to the notion that teen characters *do* serve a purpose. I think part of the reason why most fans accept Markko is that we've seen him interact with people beyond the teen set, and he's also spent time with characters who are fan favorites. He's been on the receiving end of Dorian's bitchiness, he's been on the receiving end of Todd's BSCness, he's been on the receiving end of Roxy's wacky-but-loveableness. As a matter of fact, there was a scene a few weeks before the Go Red! ball between Roxy and Markko at the diner. The scene had absolutely nothing to do with plot at all, but it was just fun interaction between the two characters. I think Roxy was giving Markko tips on how to sweet-talk a customer into ordering more than what they had wanted or something like that. I loved the scene, but for a long time, I wondered what its purpose was. There was definitely not plot development. But then, not too long ago, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Just because the scene didn't further the plot didn't mean it had no purpose. Instead of furthering the plot, it was there to further character development. That's something that is sorely, sorely missing from a lot of soaps. I want to call them "throw-away" scenes, but they're really not. They're just good character development.

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I wanted to like today's show but I was just to disappointed that I didn't get my Viki/David scenes, hopefully it will happen tomorrow. How can you have David come back and NOT give some Viki/David scenes?

What I did watch was the Marko/Langston because I do like them as far as teens go.

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I agree, but something tells me we'll have to wait a few days/weeks for Viki/David. That's the kind of episode you build up to - especially with David going after Natalie for money. The Viki/David showdown will be great, but it's way too early for them to cross paths yet.

But you're so right - when we get them, they're going to be AWESOME!

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These are great build-up episodes, especially today.

Let's face it. Even if we are spoiler free, we know a lot of big stuff is just down the pike. And one revelation will affect another SL and another and so on. POOR REX!

I'm enjoying the little scenes, the nuances, the attention to detail, the attempt to make every moment count.

For example: The look on Shane's face - he asks Rex if he's getting married tomorrow and a very drunken Rex says he is. Shane looks disappointed.

Another example is just about anything that went down between Addie and Adriana yesterday. Almost everything they said pushed story forward or explained story backwards. Yet nothing happened other than eating ice cream.

A really stupid cop story was resolved once and for all with a steamy sex scene that made me like Antonio again.

The Langston and Markko scenes were an unexpected pleasure for me. Dorian and Langston the day before were out of this world great. I anticipate a wonderful triangle here, where Langston must tread a fine line between pleasing her foster mother and maintaining a social life.

Notice how the abortion chair looked like an execution chair. (a previous poster mentioned this re: lighting)

Most of all, today, I loved how they showed so many relationships in their various stages of transition.

Better than primetime. To me soaps belong at 7 or 8pm.

My selfish thought for the day: I hope Melissa Gallo Fumero finds NO WORK in LA and has to come back to Llanview, as a big nasty pregnant bitch. I never gave her a second thought until she grew horns

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