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ATWT week of 4/21

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There are times I think we're ATWTtwins, separated at birth. I just didn't feel like ruining my buzz by bringing up how assinine Katie was. Didn't Brad say something about how Jack was her daddy? Well, he's just stepped into that role himself. Stud/Daddy/Dr.Phil. The perfect combo for Katie, btw.

Because he actually stunned me with his acting today. His scenes with Em today were spot on. I hate this plot on B&B, but on ATWT, it's showing amazing potential. IMO.

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So much potential is being wasted on Katie. I could easily write something better for Katie than this crap of baby wanting episode 2 million. :rolleyes: If they are going to continue doing this insane story. Why not get rid of the character. She is just being wasted and hated even more by me.

Yeah, Casey was good today. I could say some potential with Emily. I know some hate it. But it brings in all the histroy with Tom and Margo. That's if TPTB use it. And looking at tomorrow's eppy it looks like they are going to.

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I have to admit. I handled alot today's last MB show alot better than I expected. Because of the spottyness, I didn't know when the last scene would be so I held in all emotion, waiting for the last time I'd see her beautiful face adorn my screen. *swoon* Another reason I got a little teary eyed, but not alot...is because of the way MB' s exit all went down.

The emotion poured from MB/JH/EH today. You could feel the presence of a lingering black cloud and you could see the emotion in their eyes. The 20-something years of working together and comradery and the bond these people shared....it so gracefully seaped into the material and into the actor's dialect. I partly think the reason Jon got choked up in his later scene with Maura was because he was thinking of Martha's impending exit. The last scene with Martha and Elizabeth............ *cries softly*

I loved the dialogue today. I agree with Peej. Dansby is awesome.

I hate Chris. Why is it that when one Stewart drops him, the other automatically picks up the leftovers??!! Sickening. He's not even worth it, IMO.

I hate the idea of Holden/Carly. It almost makes me think TIIC are planning a Lily/Carly feud when Beck takes over the role. <_<

Alison's hair..... :wacko:

I also agree with Peej on the fact that for once, Billy showed potential today in the role of "Casey". Today was potentially his greatest acting to date.

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Okay, how stupid is Paul AND Meg?

Paul looked like a total moron saying "He stole my balloon." Do they have to continue to dumb down the characters of this show whenever it comes to pairing certain ones up? Meg should have washed her hands completely clean of Paul if she claims he'll never change.....that's the thing...you hear over and over again "You'll never change...that's why we can never be together." Yet, the very person that said those lines are the fools that constantly are sniffing around the person they profess they can't be with.. :rolleyes: Whatever.

Then you have Ameera with her "I'm gonna throw on a little black dress, rub some lipstick on my lips and let down my hair so I can get Noah to suddenly become straight." Uhhh Okay on that one too...

Today's show was a majority of FF for me, except for the part where the man that was splashed on the tabloids was gonna bash Emily's head in" :lol:

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^^^I so wish they would keep Paul away from these penny-ante IDIOTIC schemes. James' son should be conquering the world, not matching wits with a Kasnoff (even if the recast got an upgrade in brain power....:D).

And while I've got nothing against star-crossed lovers trying to reunite, at least when Carjack get vicious and snipey, they've got years of memories to remind me why they belong together. Paul and Meg's brief history is filled with more pain than anything else, IMO.

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The best part of the show was Margo/Emily/Casey. Good scenes with Margo and Emiloon...LOL. Brad and Katie were pure FF material. I am glad Mike was smart enough to figure out who sent the note. But I still see saint Meg falling for his bull. So Nuke finally kissed?? It seemed so awkard. I wonder if Luke was dreaming the whole thing. :lol: Another Susan Dansby show. :)

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:lol: I was shocked they did. Maybe we all dreamed it? I was expecting the scene to cut right before it. It's a bone that TPTB threw out. It's kind of late since they didnt kiss on Christmas or Valentine's Day. But I can see those.....who shall be nameless will be shouting that their campaign worked. :rolleyes:

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