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ATWT week of 4/21

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Wow, no thread yet?

Has Aaron always been this much of a wuss? The way he follows Sophie (I still don't know why she's even in Oakdale) around is really bordering on stalking. Does the guy really have no shame. He doesn't exactly fit the Snyder man profile. :P

I must say that I'm really going to miss Martha. Those scenes were hard to take today. Not just because I love my Carjack, but because I know they are Lily's last. :(

As far as Jack. He really deserved everything he got. His smugness is really starting to get to me. So glad Carly is finally all fired up over it all. She should not be begging for his return. He will be sorry soon. <_<

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LOL line of the day...Lily to Jack..."you're stupid!!" I don't really love Lily, but there are times you just gotta applaud a hit between the eyes. That being said....the Carjack evening started out on an okay note, until her obviousness rankled Jack's feathers.

I love Carly, but she overreacted. She knew Jack wasn't comfortable...she wasn't comfortable either. And who the freak knew Holden could be so...well, unHoldenish?

I thought what Aaron said was right on (WHAT was with Sophie's Foxy Brown look?? ICK!) Sophie lied, kept lying, and for my money, I would have stopped her right in the middle of her idiotic explanation (hello... Ali and Chris were there at the hospital when Babs had her reaction...) and outted her to Ali and Chris.

I don't know what to think about the Mike/Meg/Paul mess. Um...why do TIIC insist on having two men fight over a woman? Paul and Mike actually do have a history...Mike cheated on Paul's sister. (Paul actually dated Mike's sister Sarah, too...) SURE, it seems a little late to play that now, but any other plot than a triangle would see fresh and exciting.

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I liked the dinner at the Snyders. I cant wait for Carly to throw Jack to the curb. :D

Sophie's new look reminds me of Jade. :unsure:

Who would want to be with Paul? He is so controlling. I do see some chemistry between Mike and Meg. I doubt TPTB will use history with them. They probably dont know about it...LOL.

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I liked the dinner at the farm too. I laughed when Lily told Jack how he is. Wish more people would do the same. I can't wait for Carly to kick Jack to the curb and for Jack to get the wakeup call that he needs.

Didn't like the Aaron/Ali/Chris/Sophie dinner either. Aaron was being a real ass. And nope, still not feeling any chemistry between Paul and Sophie. Hope they aren't going that route. Still think a Paul/Carly hookup could be neat though. Looking forward to tomorrow.

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Double PUKE!!!! :lol:

I guess I didn't mean to say I didn't like the dinner. It was memorably bad in a just-gotta-look-at-it kind of way.. :lol: I just wish there had been a little "bread cast upon the waters" in terms of forward progress for Carjack. And I mean, c'mon....Lily gushing how Carjack could look to Lilden as an example, when her Dusty-shrine is pathetically hidden so she can gaze upon it from all over the kitchen? It was fun seeing Lilden/Carjack together. It's a refreshing change from Carjack/Bratie.

JADE!!! That's who that hairstyle reminded me of. It's oddly disturbing. I wish Ali would have taken one look and said WTF??

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Decided to watch today because its Martha's last day. :(

I am liking this episode! Holden/Carly, Lily/Lucinda. I am really gonna miss Martha! She is Lily!!!!!!

The only Zzzzz part was Katie/Brad.................

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Today's episode was well done, but have you ever watched two trains heading toward each other on the same track, yelled for them to stop and realized there was nothing you could do about it?

I have the feeling this show is headed for a pretty serious train wreck unless we as viewers bitch at CBS and P&G.

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I know....from the opening minute, I knew today was written by Susan Dansby. That's what I hate about this show sometimes....just when you've resigned yourself to expecting nothing but plot-driven trash BAM! you're hit with an eppy that is just perfect and so truly character driven it makes you want to weep.**

**except of course, for the trash that is Katie...but nothing is ever perfect.

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I thought it was a solid show. I could have done without Katie and her wanting a baby for the 1,000,000 time. Enough!! Katie IMO would make a horrible mother. I am so sick of this character. I wish there was a murder mystery surrounding this character. I've about had all I can take from the Katie character. I wish I could hear Terri C. has been fired from ATWT. The rest of the show was great!

And how come no one mentioned Casey was shirtless most of the show?? :D

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