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AMC: Promo!

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I think Havins was an excellent crier as well. Giddish was good too. AMC had a wealth of talent a few years ago. I don't know if it's morale or what but I don't feel that the younger set is as strong as it once was. The sextet is overworked and uninteresting and I personally think Thorsten's stint on AMC has been overrated as far as acting goes. I have yet to see a scene where he has shown he every bit as strong of a leading actor as they say he is. He was good in his supporting role on PC. But I find his stint on AMC to be all decorative and little substance. He does the little nuances and method acting with the smirks, ad libs, hockey talk and subtle points in his character but I have yet to see the "power house" in his work.

I don't think Alicia is a strong dramatic actress at all. Some may say her subtle acting is excellent but it doesn't do much for me in terms of range, motivation, understanding, depth, ect. I think she was much better back when she first came on and was reckless. I felt she had more passion and life in her back when she was gunning for Erica and when she was trying to "prove" herself. Now it just seems like day in and day out work. I think Alicia is a very strong as a romantic or comedic lead but I am not satisfied with her dramatic work. I feel that the work only gets half way done and that doesn't really carry the day considering the writing is so poor at this time.

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Alexa, pfffttt, all she did was cry, that doesn't make someone a good crier, and IMO Alexa was overrated, smug and crying to me is NOT acting.....

Anyways, I'm with Kyle, I'm glad it's finally revealed, and what I've read it's going to be majorly intense

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I think Alexa was a good actress! I totally miss her!! Amanda sucks and needs to go.

I cannot wait for these Kendall/Zach scenes! Another character Driven SL. :) This will only make them stronger as a couple!! :)

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Couldn't disagree more. Havins was able to portray Babe as a sexy, sassy, sweet and emotional young woman. She was able to portray her character extremely well considering the corner they painted her in. The character couldn't have been in better hands. Havins as a terrific younger actress and the best find for AMC since ER IMO. A terrific actress who was capable of playing realistic and raw scenes. I remember the CPR storyline back in 2005 when Babe had to save her baby from drowning and just remembering that Babe was just devastated by JR's negligence toward little Adam and how she was torn between anger, fear and the pain she felt over her child being in the hospital after having dealt with the trauma of her child not breathing for minutes. We saw her conflict and her pain of not being with her son because "her time was up" on her visitation. She portrayed her character beautifully. There was so much more to Babe then "smug" (which I never saw as a primary character trait in her between) and crying. Yes Babe did have a lot of pain in her life but she had more then that in her stories. Regardless she was definitely one of the stronger actresses on the show during her stint. I could even argue that she was easily the best actress under thirty after Eden left her role in 2005.

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love Alicia but she's a horrible crier. Many of her scenes were she has had to have been borderline cringeworthy. Eden as Bianca is the only one of the Kane women that is actually good with crying scenes bc I think SL is on the same level as AM here

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Julia Barr was the best crier in daytime this side of Melody Thomas Scott.

There was a scene between AM and SL when AM first started on AMC, and it was a DEBACLE of bad crying from both actresses. SL kept covering her eyes with her tiny little hands to cover up her lack of real tears and from time to time, it seemed like she was laughing. That's another scene someone needs to put on YouTube.

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I LOVE Lish and have had the opportunity to meet and speak with her on a few different occasions and she is definitely alot better in the comedic and romantic lead. Like some others here I am glad this is finally going to be revealed. They're rumors that I've read at various places online that say Alicia Minshew wants to leave the show....while I think this will make Zendall stronger, I wonder if they have written some other scenarios in case Alicia does leave. One scenario would be to let Kendall and the boys leave town for a while...until Alicia either decides to resign or they decide if they should recast the character or not. Just a thought....

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It looks like this will be interesting.

Some meaty drama finally.

But I have to say that some Zendie fans are completley losing touch with reality.

To act like Zach and Kendall will never ever break up is sooooo LOL...

If they think that they will still be together in say 3 years then they are more out of it than I thought.

They are no Luke and Laura.

They are no Bo and Hope.

They are no Josh and Reva.

They are no Cruz and Eden.

They are no Victor and Nikki....

Those are REAL supercouples.

(breakups and all)

Zach and Kendall = flash in the pan.

As a viewer of AMC since 1979 (almost 30 years) I have never seen a more waste of time with a boring couple.

It's so time to move on.

AMC was good before Zendull came around and it will do just fine without them.

And please save all the Zendie love replies cause I'm not hearing it.

*sticks fingers in ears..."lalalalalalalalala I can't hear you"


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