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ATWT: Should Levin be the couple instead of Nuke?

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I am just curious as to your thoughts of a Levin pairing. Would you prefer a Levin pairing over a Nuke pairing? What should ATWT do with Nuke? Should they end it in favor of Levin??


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Yes!!!!!!!!! I wanted Levin almost from the beginning. Still pisses me off that they went for the "couple" that has NO chemistry and is so beyond contrived and forced

The storyline with Nuke is contrived and forced I agree. I thought they had chemistry at the beginning but now it has just fizzled. Levin had hotter chemistry. There was so much stuff left to tell about Levin. I want them as the couple and not Nuke.

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At first I was like what the hell was "Levin?" Then I realized it was Luke and Kevin.

Honestly, I never paid much attention to As The World Turns in the past, but I took notice when they actually made a male character gay. At the time this was when Kevin was here. I think there was more story there than there is now, though I don't actually pay attention to what drama is unfolding between Luke and Noah, so that could be it.

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I don't see why not. Jake is not on contract or anything, and the Nuke storyline is virtually going nowhere (no kissing, no sex, no nothing). If I didn't read spoilers or know any better, just from the looks of things I would think they were making Noah straight or something, and about to ride off with Ameera.

Noah was okay for a first time deal, but I don't see the point of him anymore. He's got NO family, and no ties except Luke to Oakdale. At least we saw Kevin's daddy on occasion LOL, and it was said that Levin had been friends for years. That is a stepping stone that you build a relationship off of IMO.

And then you have the whole premise that Kevin was merely afraid of his sexuality storyline and that's why he was a jerk to Luke. I mean, they really blew it here. *sigh*

It's time for Nuke to be nuked, IMO.

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Oh WOW an Errol post. I am honored...hehe. You are right Errol there was more story with Luke and Kevin. And more to be told. I think Van even hinted at that. But nothing became of it. You aren't missing anything Errol even though you arent paying attention to the Nuke drama. They are just there. It's like they have a one day special appearance. And then there are gone for that week. They just dont even seem like a couple anymore.

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Great post!! Jake can be dropped at anytime. I still want Luke in a relationship but not with Noah. Luke and Kevin actually had conversations. More meaningful than Nuke. So much story possibility wasted.

LOL about being nuked. I agree though. It's time to bring back Kevin. Noah can have boring Ameera...who he has known for all of 5 seconds.

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Ryan, you are tough. Go ahead and comment.

I liked Levin and would love to see Kevin back as I posted previously. P&G should drop Noah and find Luke another love interest so that they can start from scratch so at least there would be a good excuse for no kisses.

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So your opinion doesnt count? Nice to know that. Yet, I say something and I am bashed left and right. Sigh.....the unfairness.

It's funny how a "certain" person has clout on this topic. He needs to get over himself pretty fast.

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Well I tried talking about this last night on my show, and there was a very nice Luke & Noah fan who called in. We had a very good conversation about Luke/Noah and Luke/Kevin. I was going to go over to Van's board and thank the person, but as I was reading through the thread, some people were just rude and took the things I said in a previous show out of context. It's not everyone who's a fan of Nuke, but a handful who make it hard to like them.

That being said, even though Kevin was rude to Luke, and called him names, it is my opinion that Kevin was just afraid, and was projecting. If he let it known that he liked Luke, he would be made fun of, so that was his way of covering. I think their "love" story would be much better (and it was much more believable).

But what I do know......it's obvious I don't understand the complexity of the situation.....<_<

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I am not surprised. If you dont agree with their thinking you are out in the cold. You are outcasted at Van's board. Yeah, how can you like a couple when the fans you are with are rude and mean spirited to you. I can just imagine what they said after your chat.

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