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Y&R: Week of March 31, 2008

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Nice seeing Victor and Adam talking about the past.... As well as the names Natalie Minardi Slater and Eric Freiwald. And awesome to hear all the background music, that's the best part of the episodes lately :lol:

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It saddens me to always swim against the tide. Really it does.

I think Victor and Sabrina are terrific together. She is the anti-Nikki (for whom Victor explicitly played Pygmalion). She's educated, she challenges him (linguistically--he has to speak French; artistically--he has to get over his dislike for modern art). She gets him to articulate his deeper motivations (he already told her about his orphanage past, something that took Nikki years to get out of him). She encourages him to do the right thing (showing up at the Restless Style party to support his son).

Yes, there is an age difference, and yes the 'daughter's best friend' requires some mental restructuring.

But, in the end, Sabrina is a far, far better match for Victor than Nikki ever was. Victor would never have dropped everything and flown to LA for Nikki--she never had any control over him. Sabrina, on the other hand, helps him to be a better man.

Sabrina even has vestiges of Hope, in that she is compassionate, but she also speaks the truth and encourages Victor to try new things/do new things.

I honestly wanted to hate her and hate this story...and I can't. She is not younger than Victor, except in years of life. She is wise, serene, and...yes...beautiful.

I know most don't agree, so I won't try to argue my point anymore. But I have found Sabrina to be a revelation, and I find myself looking forward to seeing her each day. This is the FIRST newbie on Y&R in ages (besides Adam) that I have felt this way about.

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Even though I have a vested interest in V/S being together because I want to see David and Nikki work through his problems and stay together, I was prepared to hate Victor with Sabrina, because she's his daughter's friend and he's so much older. But I don't, for all the reasons MarkH stated! They're not being done in a sleazy way, which I very much appreciate, and the location scenes at the art museum today were a refreshing change. I want to see where this goes!

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Even though I have a vested interest in V/S being together because I want to see David and Nikki work through his problems and stay together, I was prepared to hate Victor with Sabrina, because she's his daughter's friend and he's so much older. But I don't, for all the reasons MarkH stated! They're not being done in a sleazy way, which I very much appreciate, and the location scenes at the art museum today were a refreshing change. I want to see where this goes!

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What's the deal with Judith Chapman lately? Why does she feel the need to portray her every scene with her eyes open as widely as she possibly can? I mean she used to do that every now and then, but now it's just an endless succession of frog eyes from one scene to the other!

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DeeeDee wrote

At one level, I agree. Although part of the Sabrina alchemy is her status as an international woman...she appeals to that "continental" side of Victor. But still, women could have been found to play that...like Finola Hughes or (were she not otherwise engaged) Leslie Anne Down or whatever. (Although I continue to feel Sabrina's specific casting is perfect, because the actress plays quiet, calm, soft....which I think is part of the appeal).

But we've railed on LML's team for forgetting character, consistency. And the reality--in real life, and in Victor Newman's history--is that guys like Victor DO NOT GO AGE APPROPRIATE. They go for the fetching trophy wives. That is real world, and it is totally consistent with the tale of Victor Newman.

So, on that score, Julia Barr would be wrong, wrong, wrong, even if I would enjoy it. This story is just "true", and for that reason it gets high marks from me. "True" isn't always the thing we most want to see.

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I agree MarkH. I'm probably the only one who thinks Sabrina is TOO OLD for Victor. You know that vain old goat would be going after Heather if given the chance. The only older woman he'd go for is Ashley, who looks about 10 years younger than her actual age. An interesting tidbit regarding Victor's love life--in the CBS Fan Panel they included Jill, Felicia and Ashley as choices for potential love interests. VERY interesting that someone remembered Jill & Victor's history and are considering putting her into a romantic pairing. Especially with a high profile character like Victor. Ashley's inclusion is interesting because it means they want her back on the show. Felicia fits perfectly into the young trophy wife discussion we have going now.

I know I'm going to sound like a broken record, but I've LOVED everything with Jill Foster Fierce Bitch Abbott this week. Having Jill work towards revealing Gloria makes sense from a business stand point since Jill was running Jabot during the face cream. Plus she's a core member of the Abbott family and John's long time wife. She should definitely be concerned about Gloria's wrong doing, to avenge John AND protect her son's legacy. Despite what the show wants us to think, helping her GOOD FRIEND Jack is important as well. I hope the show decides to go along with a Jill/Jeffrey pairing. I didn't like William with Jill, but Jeff? Hotness. It's shocking how much a well written character can change things. I'm glad Ted Shackelford has had a chance to show what he can do. After Ji Min, I want Jill to be with a sexy, exciting character like Jeff. Not an old goat like Victor.

Overall I don't have any complaints. There seems to be a trend of featuring Jill and Kay more which is fine by me. I still wish there were less Gloria, but the developments with her family have been overdue. Even Amber has managed to stay on my good side. Now they just need that big story to tie everything together and the return of Drucilla, Nina and Billy Abbott. Do it Maria Arena Bell!

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Chris B wrote

On usenet, we say "+1" to signify total agreement. That's me with this post... +1.

I would like them to wrap up Ji Min and Plum's murders. NOT because I care, but because I want them done for good.

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I think the Victior/Sabrina ish is supposed to be icky and disgusting. When was the last time Y&R told a story about two people who were totally wrong? Sometimes, they can do it in the romantic Romeo/Juliet way, like they did for Daniel and Lily but maybe they cast Raya specifically because she's so young.

We still don't know anything about her or why the writers wanted to give Victor a love interest in the first place. But, because every time I see those two making googly eyes at each other, and it makes me sick, I can't help but feel like this was intentional.

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