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AMC: Monday March 24th, 2008

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Killed Ryan

This is a parody of Elton John's song "Blessed" but with the above title. Enjoy! :)

Hey you, you're a moron in my head

You haven't learned the alphabet yet

Your first words nobody cares what you said

But I swear you'll be killed Ryan

I wish you were just a dream

Your bug eyes might be green

Or the scariest that I've ever seen

Anyway you'll be killed Ryan

And you, you'll be killed Ryan

You'll not have the best

I promise you that

I'll pick a gun from my room

Stuff your dead body into a hat

I promise you that, promise you that, promise you that

You'll be killed Ryan

I don't need you before I'm too old

To not have and to definitely not hold

To bury you and watch you decay

And know that you're killed Ryan

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The climax to the Jesse/Adam/Tad/Colby/Frankie/Uncle Rob/Papel thing was soooooooo anti-climactic. I was like "That's it?!?!?"

It was nice to have characters having scenes together who should be having scenes together....ie, Zendall/Erica (loved Zach and Sugar's interaction---hysterical!), Jack/Greenlee (Hello! Rylee 2 here we come....). I am so sick of the Sextet BS, and today was just more proof that away from the sextet, the characters are still interesting and don't need that silly high school [!@#$%^&*] they're being made to do.

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The Sextet has almost been on the backburner compared to how it was for the last 3 or 4 months..... But yes, the sextet is the real problem of this show. Fix these characters and a big part of AMC's problems disappear.

But it actually sounds promising if Zach and Kendall were with Erica and Greenlee was with Jack.

Seperate the characters and develop real stories for them. If we get a new head writer, that will be their BIGGEST challenge.

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Yeah this sextet crap is killing this show. I HATE how judgmental Erica is with Kendall. Stuff like that pisses me off, cause Erica is the last person I'd expect to be judgmental of Kendall

Zen :wub:

Greenlee & Jack weren't needed, they were filler, oh and Greenlee just doesn't know when to STFU

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The thing is Erica wouldn't be Erica if she didn't judge Kendall. That is nothing new. Erica always will judge her children. She judged Bianca, but she always is a little more judgmental of Kendall, because she will always be #2.

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She's basically implying Kendall is in lust with both Ryan & Aidan and can't keep her legs shut whenever she sees them.

Honestly IMO it ranks up there with Erica's Ryan worship, it's that much of a WTF? Cause that's not even how it's even close to playing out onscreen

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