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ATWT and GL renewed!!

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While it's true that CBS doesn't own ATWT and GL, I think it would be effective if they were more demanding with PGP. They need to make PGP understand that they have nowhere else to go with these shows except the internet if CBS cancels them and even then, the show is being distributed on the internet primarily by CBS itself. PGP seems perfectly content to drive these shows into the ground and suck out whatever profit is left in them until they die of attrition and neglect. Sadly CBS isn't willing to call their bluff and pull the plug because there's no viable alternative in the works and PGP knows that. CBS needs to get tough and tell them to improve these shows NOW or get lost, even if they are only bluffing.

If they don't, both shows will only sink deeper and deeper into trouble as they alienate more and more fans who will never return. As it stands these renewals seem to only guarantee that these two regimes will be able to irreparably destroy even more characters, couples, and families. And maybe, just maybe, if we're really lucky Ellen will really push the "high tech" and "realism" boundaries of her "new production model" and we can see a character take a real dump on a real toilet in a real bathroom taped by a camera guy shooting while crouched behind a urinal. Yippee for NewCoke GL!

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I know everyone wants changes at ATWT. But the facts are ATWT is up in almost every category from last year. They have been the #3 soap for some time now. They have reached #2 in 18-49 demos. They are #2 in girls 12-17 this week. Chris Goutman is making bad excutive decisions left and right but the show is up in TV(total viewers), HH, Demos 18-49 and 12-17.

As for GL they are up too. They are #1 this week in girls 12-17. They have been for 2 straight weeks now.

I think that's why the shows got renewed. I wish Goutman, Pissant & Wheeler, Krieztman were gone. But it looks like they arent going anywhere.

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CBS has no room for it with the renewal of the PGP soaps and I don't think ABC will make any room for it, given that its barely outperforming its two lower rated soaps and they wouldn't own it. If NBC cancels DAYS this year, that could very well be the end of the soap on network television or altogether.

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Good news for the genre, but unfortunately I do not see any major behind the scenes changes coming at either show because of reasons already discussed......

I also expect more Martha Byrne type situations to just keep on happening as well as time goes on..... not just with PGP, all soaps.... Eventually all of the soaps will either be faced with these tight budget constraints or no budget at all. Its sad, but hey this is a positive, it keeps the genre going... for now.

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ATWT and GL were renewed through September of 2009. In September of 2008 which is this year, CBS has the option to renew both shows until 2010.

That's what the 2010 option means.

Anyway, this is GREAT NEWS.....Looks like Days isn't going to CBS if NBC wacks it.

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That's great news for soaps in general. Every soap has it's problems, but can anyone show me an era where their soap was perfect for a long stretch of time -- I mean more than a three months, etc. ATWT and GL have shown surprising strength in the ratings. We may have issues with the direction, etc., but clearly some people are happy. Anyway, I'd rather have eight soaps to complain about than five. (Let's hope NBC renews DOOL.)

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