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Y&R: Gloria/Kevin/Jack/Jana SPOILER!

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Next week Kevin and Gloria plan to off Jeff and blame Jack for the murder and Jana overhears the two of them scheming.

I hope Jana tells the world! OMG if Gloria actually KILLS a character that I think this means the end of the road for her, and possible Kevin. D you honestly think Y&R is going to get rid of Peter Bergman, before Judith Chapman (maybe the last regime would)? To me, this spoiler looks like the final nail in Gloria's character if this plan comes to fruition.

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Jana will probably keep quiet and let those lethal Fishers do whatever they want. However, I don't think the plan will go through, I just don't see them offing Jeffrey.

I don't know if I can bear a trial where all of Gloria deeds come out. Can you just imagine Judith Chapman hamming it up on the witness stand? I think I'd go into temporary paralysis.

Gloria's downfall is coming though, the seeds have already been planted, I suspect May sweeps will be the time when everything hits the fan...

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True, but I'm hoping that the current writers at Y&R aren't complete hacks. Plus there is no way in hell I can see any justification keeping Gloria on after this all comes out. Plus the character's of Tad and Craig have been on the show for a long time. I don't know if Chapman has rooting power from fans to keep her from withstanding such a crime.

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Bergman and Chapman aren't going anywhere, and even though Shackelford is recurring, I think he's here for at least a bit longer. My guess is that this is a plot device that in some twisted way will draw Gloria and Jeff closer together. Just a hunch and not a spoiler, but I think the larger picture has Jeff revealed as Ji-Min's murderer.

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Yeah, I thought that was obvious when they started talking about Jeffrey's connections (and mistress!) back in South Korea.

Ji Min. Le sigh. So much wasted potential.

If they get rid of Jack Abbott in favor of Gloria and the Fishers, I am turning this show OFF.

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I think Jeffrey and David could both be red herrings......

Does anyone think that possibly Cane could be the culprit? If the new regime has any sense they will undo the ridiculous Cane storyline.... I dunno.

Glo has to go down.... I have began investing my time in Y&R again and a big reason for that is to see this witch get what is coming to her.

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Like others, I don't see either Bergman or Chapman going anywhere. Besides, even if Gloria did kill Jeffrey and find a way to pin it on Jack, it doesn't mean Jack's gone. He could always beat the rap, or even if he's convicted, we could have Jack in jail trying to clear himself, just like we had with Terry Lester's Jack back in 1986 when he was convicted of shooting Jill, or like we had with Phyllis in jail waiting for possible appeals last year.

I also have to wonder if they'll kill Jeffrey given how they brought Ted Shackelford back as Jeff after offing him as William. I have doubts about the South Korea connection tying him to Ji Min's murder for that same reason. Why bring him back if they're going to kill him off again? And while I know the Will death/Jeff intro was the product of the Latham regime and that might be out the window under Griffith and company, it seems clear to me at least that having Shackelford as Jeff is one of the remnants of LML that's actually still working after her exit. Letting him die this way or making him Ji Min's killer means losing Shackelford again. Of course, in the latter case, they could have the audience learn Jeff killed Ji Min without the charcters knowing, but making him a killer takes away from any rooting value he has IMO.

Even if it doesn't succeed, I hope it's the nail in her coffin. I am so tired of Gloria's "Me and my family are good people and I've been crapped on by John's ungrateful brats" routine that she uses to justify everything she does. Here's a wake-up call for you, Glo and Kevin: "good people" don't plot murder and try to frame someone else for their crimes. I've kind of soured on Michael and Lauren as characters as well thanks to Gloria, since they've been reduced for the most part to enablers for those two by turning a blind eye to Glo's misdeeds.

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