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AMC: Wednesday, Feb 13

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Why I Hate Ryan

By: DevotedToAMC/Jason

Well this paper topic has potential to sell millions of copies around the United States due to All My Children’s popularity and the controversial Moses of Pine Valley, St. Ryan Lavery. So after reading endless rants from me on the jerk, you are probably asking: WHY do I hate him? Just read on for a nice little summary on my hate for Mr. Lavery.

Being a fan of the show for fourteen years now, one need not know that Ryan’s extensive history with the soap is one I know consistently and very well due to how I have seen him since his 1998 debut. Even if it was not one of AMC’s best years, Ryan had a lot going for him during Mathison’s first run: chemistry with Kelsey, Liza, Erica, Bianca, Kendall, Gillian of course, then with the males of All My Children including rivals (Palmer, Edmund, JR, Tad, Jackson, Leo, Aidan, Dimitri, Mateo, Scott) as well as some interesting plots (Ryan/Gillian romance, The Fidelty yacht party, conclusion of the Kit Fisher rape saga, Ryan/Gillian/Jake triangle, Ryan/Gillian/Hayley/Mateo quadrangle, Ryan/Gillian on the run in early 1999, Crystal Ball memories, Ryan/Kendall romance, Ryan/Liza fling, Fallout of Gillian’s death, Ryan reuniting with Gillian and dumping Greenlee-HELLO!!!) . As you can see, there was a lot to be loved about as far as chemistry goes and the storylines-until we come upon the last one I list….Greenlee stalking Ryan.

Anybody will tell you once Ryan broke things off with Ms. Smythe, she went all out on his apartment and destroyed everything he had-from the walls to pictures to literally what was in the apartment! Then she has him arrested for the money he siphoned off from their company to fund the trip he and Gillian went on to rescue Jake Martin from Chechnya. The moment she stood to him and said, “Your money was paid for by Greenlee money!” I just knew that Ryan loathed the witch….and then what did she do? She trapped herself on an island to get Ryan back, yet he never CAME! Who did? LEO!!! Her TRUE soulmate! And he told her he loved her!

It is that piece of history that irks me to no end but let’s not get into it since that is incorporated in depth in my “Why I hate Rylee” essay. Back on to Ryan….his return seemed to be well done and documented by the writers at first but all of a sudden it fell flat. Once Ryan inherited the Cambias fortune, he started becoming the arrogant prick that I see him to this day with his ordering people around, telling Kendall to forgive a woman that nearly sent her to death row one month prior to this….oh and let us also not forget our little prince Ryan playing them both to be against one another. What a real treat that was to watch! Oh and the psychic connection they have? Do not get me started.

Now let’s fast forward to Ryan post Rylee marriage. Let’s face it the guy is cocky, arrogant, and a piece of trash as far as I am concerned. Look who has had to prop him up: Kendall to the SEC stating their marriage was for love and not business, the constant “Ryan is a great guy” comments from nearly 80% of the women in Pine Valley, and now Tad for excusing his behavior just recently when Ryan went all loony on him. Also, what makes him such a Saint to be hailed as the second coming by everyone in town? Shouldn’t they just erect a statue of St. Hypocrite Ryan as SUPER RYAN with his cape, the “R” on his blue suit, and the slicked back military haircut? That way everyone can just pass it on by and worship Ryan at the altar *eye roll*….it would be much better than hearing the cringing pimping from everyone, especially his wife Greenlee who seems to have forgotten the love she had for Leo e.g. “Ryan is the best man I’ve ever known.” Spare us, Greenlee. You are NOT his princess like Gillian was and we all know how much Gillian and Leo are rolling in their graves right about now! (Or are they?? Hmm….). But some bright spots to all of this are when Maria told him off, along with Zach’s quips to him, as well as David hating on the hypocritical ass-so it appears as if St. Ryan cannot fool everybody! And let’s not go into the nicknames, stupid one liners, and just Ryan being….a DIFFERENT Ryan than the one I liked years ago!

*One more final note as to why I hate Ryan-he always has to play super hero and it stinks!


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Generally just curious about what makes an AMC character a "legacy character". On GH and Days usually it's their immense popularity, their action storylines and their super couples. I understand "Angie", "Jesse", "Tad" and "Dixie" ( even thought I think Dixie is nothing without Tad) all being legacy characters because their super couples and veteran status. I just wanted to know what made "Julia" a legacy character. I am guessing it was her relationship with Noah? I wasn't watching then so I don't know. I heard before she came back she was only on the show for three years.

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She isn't..... no more than Krystal is really. They both have spent about the same amount of time on the show.

I am not to sure why its such a big deal Krystal is lending support to Angie.... its realistic in how its being written.

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Julia is a legacy character because she was wildly popular in the 90s and was 1/2 of soap opera's first immensily popular interracial supercouple (Noah/Julia). Her storylines were very real/raw/popular. From getting her face slashed during the tornado in '94 - which led her to run away and meet Noah - to being raped by Louie Greco (sp?) - to having to walk through a picket line at the abortion clinic - to being on the run with Noah/Hayley/Mateo in Jamaica and that entire storyline - to having to finally go into the witness protection program. Those were HEAVY and POPULAR storylines - and hit some major social issues that were hot topics in the news and sort of groundbreaking for soaps.

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