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GH: Sweeps Spoilers

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I wonder if JFP knows that saying a soap is about love and a soap being about love are two diff things...

wow. so the same thing thats been happening for over a year now? ok. but whatevs because liason is hott!

yay. more mob [!@#$%^&*]. cant wait.

sonny/carlyv1redux... cant wait...

cant wait to see jax with someone other than sonny. and i lvoe jelous carly.

i cant wait for lucky to relize his whore is nothing more than just that.

i wonder if this connects to the two things above? humm...

i really hope the killer is a shock.

i still cant find the connection between the nanny, em, georgie, maxie, alexis, and sam.... hummm...

the only man with a nightmare to put to rest is nick, that i can think of...

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yay! more nadine!! i love her and i like the chem she has with nick.

SpinMax? MaxSpin? Spinaxi? Maxnelli? i love it!!!

i cant wait!!! scrubs baby!!! yesss!!!!!

wow. this sounds amazing! i love tracy vs monica!! i love lulu moving out with tracy to show support! this means monica is now really all alone in that house. i cant wait for all of this!!

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I wish GH would have just brought "Livvie" from Port Charles over to GH. Livvie was such a better character then Sam and was so much more layered and actually apart of a GH family then this "Cassadine" re-write (a rewrite I am kind of happy about because it gives Lusam that Cassadine/Spenser thing but I would much rather prefer Livvie). That picture truely does remind me of when Livvie lost her baby back in 02 or so on PC when Monaco rocked each and every scene she was in and out acting/shining many of her co-stars.

I have a feeling Sam is going to end up getting caught up in the Sason posion yet again with the mob stuff. I feel bad for her already.

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This is slightly OT, but is Johnny really all that? I'm not getting the big hoop-la about either the character or the actor. It's all a bit Generic Angry Boy. I don't see any drop-dead stunning chemistry between Lulu and Johnny either. In fact, I would much rather have kept Cooper and Logan (if he is the murdere, that is) in Lulu's orbit.

:lol: I don't quite understand this part.

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Last September I would have told you that Johnny was perhaps the best male newcomer to hit GH since Zander. However since then they have stripped all of the interesting things about the character (his craziness, his attitude and his lust for life/danger) and instead opted for what appears to be Jason part duex. Ever since November they completely changed the character and reworked him so severly that Johnny isn't even the person he was some three months back. Instead he is just like Coop it seems, a misunderstood bad boy who is god hearted.

I will say that I think he is a well layered and that his backstory has been well written and I think Brandon has done a good job portraying him. However Johnny is no longer a "wow" character. Like he was before. Quite honestly I would take Johnny over both Logan and Cooper in a heartbeat. Logan is perhaps the worst younger male character GH has now.

I would also take Lulu/Johnny over the alternatives. They seem to have an easy going chemistry and Barash seems to be able to incoperate enough into his scenes to have a sense of believability in him. I am able to truely believe that he deeply cares about her. At this point I don't think we are supposed to believe J/L love eachother. I think it more or less is supposed to be a deep attraction and caring.

I personally have a problem with any Lulu pairing because it just doesn't seem to me that Bergman is really invested in any of her love interests and she has been phoning in her scenes for months now it seems and its getting to the point where one doesn't even want to invest in the character.

The problem with GH is that most of their characters are unlikeable and if they aren't detestable then they don't inspire any type of root value. Maxie and Logan are detestable creatures and Lulu is unable to inspire any type of the feelings that a heroine needs to inspire. Even Johnny only achieves a small modicrum of sympathy that he should. I mean just look at the primary characters: Sonny, Carly, Jason, Sam, Elizabeth, Lucky all at some point have lost their likeability and have never recovered.

We seldomly see Alexis and quite honestly I just don't care about Skate. But I will say that I believe Megan has done a great job in adding a small portion of likeability in her role.

It's sad but I think GH really made a huge mistake by killed off Georgie and Emily. Say what you will about Emily but she was perhaps the only heroine on GH that was able to truely act the part of a heroine and I admit that I have been very moved by Ghost Emily/Nikolas scenes and Georgie was perhaps the last great ingenue that GH had.

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Breman has the same issue Landon does on ATWT, they over used and overezposed her. put her into every storyline and paired her with too many people to close together. Both seem like a mix of overworked and burnt out and just unsure of where the char is going.

I do think Berman would beneift a great deal from a mini-vacation. just a month. hell, even three weeks. and she she comes back they pretty much need to recrate who lulu ius because so much has been stripped away and what hasnt has been lost on logan and johnny.

Laura Wright is sooo much better now that Carly isnt on every day. Storms is amazing, and is on the perfect amount of time Leslie, Jackie, and Jane will shine when they are on screen, and that may have a lot to do with how little it is. NLG, MW, RH, IR, TC are also all always good, and again i to link a lot of that to how much (or little) they are on. MB, SB, KeMo, Berman, etc... all the "stars" have lost the appeal for me because i see them soo much and half the time they look like they are just not into it. Even the amazing BH & GV have fallen into this rut.

I dont fault the actors at all - i fault the ep, hw, and daytime pres. but we all know they are the issue.

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