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Tom Cruise's Scientology video


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When I saw that vid I wondered if Scientologists believe in god or if they believe Ron L. Hubbard is some type of god? I also can't believe that Candice Bergman is a scientologist. :o There is something really creppy about that cult, I mean religion I doubt anyone will ever know the real story of Scientology unless they go undercover as a member.

Tom cruise has lost it

If Tom cruise is so about his religion and what it stands for why are he and scientologist trying to get rid of these vids for? What are they trying to hid?

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he - and the religion are judges way to harsh. i really do not see him out there forcing his agenda upon everyone - i see the media out there asking him questions and getting info and throwing it out there. its no diff than any other cult/religion like being a christian or catholic or anything else. i wish people would just let everyone have there own faith and not judge them. but that will never happen.

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If he is not forcing the agenda, it would be others who do it all too well. My former friend in Michigan even said a couple scientologists sat at a mall offering to give psychological advice so he threatened to turn them into the Board of Psychology for psychoanalysis without a license or certification. So if Cruise is not forcing an agenda, it would be others who follow this psychotic and really weird cult. Michigan is not the only place where they dispense "advice" without a license to practice psychology....it happens in San Francisco and others cities all across the country.

And how is Tom not forcing the agenda when he demands his Stepford Wife give a silent birth, which is based on scientology beliefs?

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If he is not forcing the agenda, it would be others who do it all too well. My former friend in Michigan even said a couple scientologists sat at a mall offering to give psychological advice so he threatened to turn them into the Board of Psychology for psychoanalysis without a license or certification. So if Cruise is not forcing an agenda, it would be others who follow this psychotic and really weird cult. Michigan is not the only place where they dispense "advice" without a license to practice psychology....it happens in San Francisco and others cities all across the country.

And how is Tom not forcing the agenda when he demands his Stepford Wife give a silent birth, which is based on scientology beliefs?

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and if we are to judge every religion based of selected members, where would that leave us? every single religion has members who go all out and act crazy and cultish.

there is so much more to this religion than what people assume. i know this because Ive been in it. I'm not a member - nor do i plan to be one. but i have been to a few of the churchs (in fact the one tom himself goes to).

as for katie and the silent birth - i dont see how thats forcing it upon us. that is his wife, his child. there thing. not ours.

i just dint see it as any more of a cult than any other religion. however it is played up in the media as this crazy cult thing. yes it it is strange and odd and unknowen to many - however its no more like a cult than any other religion.

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